♢ What Species You Are

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Half Vampire, you were in a car crash and you had vampire blood in your system. You were taken unconscious to the hospital, you died for 34 seconds but they were able to bring you back to life, using a defibrillator. That's how you are a half vampire, You age 1 year every 20 years and you can survive of blood and human food. You met Damon a few years after the car accident.


Human, you found out about the Supernatural world at age 14. He has sworn to protect you and will only turn you when you are ready to be turned.


Half Witch and Half Vampire. You turned 52 years ago so you are still very young compared to others. He originally wanted to use you for his dirty work but then quickly fell for you and will always protect you.


Witch, you come from a very powerful family which means you have a lot of responsibility, not that you care... He loves to help you with your magic and admires your abilities.


Vampire, you are 298 years old. You met Elijah at 72 years old, you only fell for him recently though.


Werewolf. Luckily you have a moon ring which allows you to go through the full moon without transforming.


Human. You recently moved to Mystic Falls and quickly found out about the Supernatural world.


Human although you know just as much as he does on the Supernatural world. Your brother is a hunter, just like Jeremy.

Vampire but you are only very young. You turned a couple of years ago by accident but you feel like it's the best thing that ever happened to you. Enzo thought you were human until recently.

Witch, like he did with Bonnie he wanted to use you for your powers. However after a while he fell for you and is now constantly jealous of other people talking to you.

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