Chapter 10 - Moving

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"There she is!"

My eyes snapped open.

Oh no.

I glued my back to the tree making sure not to make any movement. Were they talking about me?

I took the chance of glancing down to see what they were looking at. Luckily, all of their heads were twister to look at someone across from me. Only about 4 trees down from me.

Was it Sabrina? Nope. Her hair was brown. Lacey. It was Lacey. The other highest score out of all the tributes. She got a score of 13. Almost perfect.

She, I was guessing, would be their number two target. Finally hearing them, she whipped her head around and glared at them with her deep brown eyes. She pulled out her bow and arrows, as if prepared for this. And, began shooting them, hitting every single person in the chest. They all fell to the ground, except Clark. For some reason, she spared Clark. He stood there stunned and fell to his knees.

"Run." I whispered. He glared up at me and got off his knees and started running into the woods.

I looked over at Lacey. Her arrows pointed straight at me.

"I have food and water." I said, trying to reason with her. I could almost here Finley groaning, in my bad decison. But, it was too late to go back now.

"Really?" she replied, lowering her weapon.

"Yeah. Come over here and we can share some." I said, starting to unpack the foods from the first pack, leaving everything from the second pack a secret.

She put away her bow and arrow in her pack and climbed over.

When she reached my tree, we began to feast. I know I shouldn't have offered my food, I should've had just thrown my axe and killed her on the spot. But, something about her being from District 13 made me trust her somehow.

After we finished eating, she told me that she had had no food these past 2 days and that she was wounded in many different places from battling with other tributes. She also said that she was in a group with 7 other tributes from different districts. Like a second group of Careers. She said that they were plotting to find and kill me when they ran into the other group of Careers and got into a feirce battle. Where, they killed all 6 of her friends and somehow, let her get away, and thats why she killed them so quickly. She also said that she had been watching them and me all day.

"Wow." I said in reply. "Have you seen Sabrina?"

"No." She said, looking down. "But in the training room, she said that she wanted us to be allies, s-so we could team up to kill you and Clark."

She raised her bow and arrow. As stunned as I was I grabbed my throwing knife from the pocket from the first pack. Just as she was about to shoot, I threw the knife at her chest. Knocking her out and sending her over the tree branch and on to the ground.

Stunned at what I had just done. I began to cry, which was probably not the best thing to do.

The capitol's seal appeared in the sky as the anthem began to play.  I stared up at the sky, trying to count the cannons.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

7 more dead. 20 dead in all. 4 more tributes. This game was going fast. Which meant that Clark, Sabrina and another tribute and I were the only ones left. I was one step closer to going home.

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