Chapter 9 - Hiding

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Exciting chapter everyone!

Hope ya'll like it!

PS Happy 4th Of July and Happy late Canada Day!



Run. Just run.

I ran for my lfe, picking up the axe as I went. I looked over and I saw Sabrina racing towards me with her spear in hand. She raised it up, ready to strike when she tumbled over. And fell on the ground.

I looked up and Clark was standing behind her waving his sword.

He sliced her in the akeles tendon. Not a deathly blow, but enough to injur her.

Clark caught my gaze for a second but then started sprinting towards the woods a few feet away from us. Everyone was gone, except for me and Sabrina. She tried to raise up her sword but, fell back down.

"This isn't over." She mumbled out.

I glanced over at the Cornacoupia. Empty. This was my chance, to salvage everything I could.

I walked over to the horn and started gathering everything, a backpack, a bag of arrows and a bow, more backpacks and The Crate.

I felt like I had already won, and that I would be on my way home already, by finding the Crate.

I grabbed one of the backpacks and stuffed everything inside. I grabbed the crate and carried it aside me, guarding it with my life.

I looked around and noticed I was alone, somehow Sabrina managed to crawl away somehow.

Now, I had to find shelter. I scanned the area and found the tallest tree there was, walked over, and started to climb it. I found one of the ropes from the bag and threaded it through the crate so both side were attached to the rope and the other end to my arm. So, as I climbed the crate would be pulled behind me. The tree was easy to climb, so I knew that this would probably be a target for other shelters by the other tributes.

I found a nice place to sit and relax for once. I sat down and grabbed another rope from another backpack and roped it around my body and the tree, so I stayed attached to the tree, so I would not fall off, to my death I might add.

I decided since I was fastened in and tight, I would begin to unpack my backpacks and take inventory of what I had grabbed.

I unzipped the first bag and began to unpack. The first thing I saw was a huge canister, I quickly opened it up. I was filled to the brim with water. This was probably the best thing I could've grabbed. I looked up at the sky and smiled and punched my fist in the air, knowing that Finley was watching. I placed it aside and went back to the rest of the stuff.

Everything else was nothing compared to the canister; A pot, more rope, a lantern and kindling (Probably which I will not use), a safety jacket,, a sleeping back and medicine.

The sky was starting to dim pretty quickly to so I decided to save the other pack for tomorrow morning.

"NO! PLEASE!" someone pleaded off in the distance. Followed by a bloody scream. Someone dead. But, why no cannons? In all the previous Hunger Games, whenever a tribute died a cannon would sound. Just then, cannons started going off in sort've the same area as I heard the scream.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

13 cannons. More than half of the tributes were dead. Dead.

Next, the Capitol's anthem started playing and the seal appeared in the sky. Soon, faces started to flash across the sky. No one that I knew showed up, so that meant Clark and Sabrina were still alive.

Although, me and Clark still didn't get along, I still want him to stay as long as possible.

With that in my mind, I could finally sleep in peace.       

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