Chapter 19 New York

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Jisha's POV:
When I awoke from my slumber I immediately realized that I wasn't where I'd fallen asleep. I was in a simpler room. Just two doors, and little wall cupboards and a wall mirror were all the articles known to be in the room.

There were tiny windows in a row on both sides of the walls. Not normal Windows but like those in airplanes. That's when it hit me. I looked out the window above the bed. It was fluffy white with a blue background. Damn it! I am in an airplane! But what am I doing here? How did I get here?

Thoughts were racing through my mind. Then I remembered my dream. Oh god! I made an attempt to stand up but found my wrist confined by hand cuffs. Was I arrested? It couldn't be... I'm sure I was with Roy at the hotel and we went to sleep. We didn't do anything crazy. Unless there was a raid. But the hotel we were in was well reputed and then why would I have been flown in a plane to some other country. I wasn't a fugitive. But where's Roy? It just crossed my mind that Roy wasn't around. Maybe he's playing a trick on me. Plus these sort of handcuffs are easily found on Amazon.
The door opened and Roy walked in.

"You!!! Free me! Now!" Jisha demanded. she was trying to at least pretend to be angry.

"Haha.. Good morning to you too." He kissed her on the lips. All thoughts of the pretense flew out of her mind and she responded to his kiss but too bad it was brief. He smiled.

"Good morning. Now free me." Jisha whined.

"Nope. You stay there until we land. You need to rest."

" what if I need to go to the loo?"

"Then I'll come with you." He laughed.


"I'm joking. I'll stand outside and then when you come out I'll cuff you back."

"Anyways, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. You better rest well cause I promise you won't want to rest once we get there. There'll be so much to do."

"Okay... Well I need to inform at home that I'll be out a couple more days."

"Taken care of. I used your phone to text your brother that you'll be gone for another 5 days or so."

"Okay well since you're 10 steps ahead, why don't you tell me what's for breakfast?" Jisha gave him the biggest smile her face could accommodate. She was starving by now.

"Good question. I had some doughnuts and brownies packed from the hotel cafe since it was too early to find anything else and we were late." He brought a paper-bag into the room.

When he opened it, the smell of brownies wafted into the cabin. Jisha bullied him out on the brownies again. She had 3 out of 5 and left him only 2. She didn't spare the donuts either. She picked the chocolate dipped ones and left the hundreds and thousands and cinnamon ones for him. He didn't seem to mind but she suddenly felt guilty that he was doing so much for her and what was she doing? Bullying him? So  to make herself feel less guilty she gave him a bite. He told her over breakfast that this was his private jet allocated by his company.

That's when she found out, he doesn't work, he gets others to work. He's the boss. Well he explained that his brother built the company by scratch and he helped him take it to greater heights.

He laughed and asked, "So Meow, what seems to be your interest?"


"Yeah. Since you wouldn't tell me your name, I thought I'd come up with one."

"And why Meow?"

"Because you're like a wild cat. My wild cat with tantrums, is why Meow seems perfect." He smiled then frowned. "You don't like it?"

"No.. Of course I love it... It's just no one has ever given me so much importance."

"Well times have changed." He leaned over and licked the chocolate off her upper lip sensuously. She felt butterflies creating havoc in her stomach.
He held her eyes then softly kissed her lips. She kissed him back, deepening the kiss. Her hands caressed his nape while his fingers were tangled in her hair. His hands slowly moved down her back, to her waist, moving up and down on her waist. His hands slowly slid under her shirt. But then he stopped. He moved away, breaking the kiss.

"Hey.." Jisha whined.

"No no.. You need to rest. I don't want to hurt you more. I can't see you in pain."

"It's fine. Trust me. I'm alright. I'm too used to this to be much bothered."

He held her gaze, unsure, but then he walked out of the cabin.
A couple of minutes later an air hostess entered the cabin and unlocked the cuffs, handed Jisha a brush and Colgate tube before guiding her to the bathroom with a fresh pair of clothing.

When Jisha returned to the bed, the air hostess knocked again and entered with a glass of juice, orange juice. Surprisingly fresh orange juice.

I'm sure Roy is to be held responsible for it.

Once Jisha finished her juice she went to the seating area just outside the cabin. Roy was on his laptop when she entered. He put it away when he saw her walk in.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." He was awestruck by the way she looked.

The dress he'd had a hotel attendant buy for her turned out to look great on her.

"You left me alone in there. I can endure everything but not loneliness. Plus I came to wish you a belated merry Christmas." She sat on his lap.

"I'm sorry but if I'd been in there, we'd be doing more than you resting. A belated merry Christmas to you too."

"It's your choice. I'm ready when you are. These are small things. It's just a small cut. I've been through too many to care."

"No.. You're not gonna hurt yourself to please me or anyone for that matter." He was furious but then his epression softened. He caressed her cheek as he spoke, "Meow, is there something that has happened? I mean has anyone hurt you this way before?"

"Roy, I'm not a kid anymore. I can't expect every man I sleep with to accede to my demands. I know this infuriates you but I've slept with many men and I can't hold them accountable for it because it's the option I chose."

"Meow, tell me honestly was it by your wish or by compulsion?"

"Roy, I don't wanna talk about it." Jisha Leaned her head against his and they held silence for a while before the pilot's announcement broke them out of their thoughts.

"Please fasten your seat belts, we are to land in New York Airport in the next 20 mins...."

"New York." Meow gasped and she saw him smirk.
17th May

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