Chapter Twenty Seven I killed Arrianna

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A week went by without incidents. The rift between Janasvi and Rikhil began to slowly bridge though she couldn't run from the memories of her horrific past and she couldn't completely forget what he'd done to her. It scarred her memory but she could no longer cope with the scars of her memories. She became more and more dependent on her Antidepressants.
A week later:

Janasvi woke up feeling like a mess at 3 am. She couldn't stop her tears. She stifled the sound of her crying by burying her head into her pillow. She tried very hard not to disturb Rikhil as she stood up and tip toed to the kitchen in tears. She took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. She put it on the counter and opened the last draw, and pulled out a bottle of antidepressants she'd hidden amidst the contents of the drawer.
She took her dosage and tossed it into her mouth before she noticed a pair of eyes watching her.
Damn it. She swallowed the tablets along with the lump forming in her throat without even feeling the need of water.

It began raining heavily outside.
Rikhil walked around the kitchen counter to stand next to her. He took the bottle out of her hand and read it's label in the moonlight streaming through the fixed glass screen door.

He looked her straight in the eye and without breaking eye contact, he picked up the glass of water and brought it to her lips.

While Rikhil's expression remained unreadable, Janasvi nervously gulped down a few sip of water.

A heavy silence hung in the air for a minute.

"I can explain-," Janasvi croaked but was cut off by a firm hand gesture. ✋

"I expected better from you than to go around sneaking behind my back to do something I clearly despise."

" Rikhil, I'm sorry but I couldn't handle all of it. It's all so overwhelming." Tears ran freely down her cheeks.

"You needn't explain. It's been clear all along that I despise the idea of Antidepressants. There are other alternatives." He stood firm and detached. He turned to walk away but stopped when Janasvi's last sentence, shattered his heart.
"It's easier for you to say. No one forced themselves on you. No one tried to rape you. Your sisters weren't raped and forced into prostitution. No one died because of you. No one blamed you for anyone's death. You don't know what it's like living in guilt of ruining someone's life."

He turned around firm, but a tear betrayed his displayed strength by escaping his eyes.
"I know what it's like when someone dies because of you. When everyone blames you for their death. When you live in the guilt of ruining someone's. Yes. Someone died because of me. I killed Arrianna."

He walked out of the apartment leaving Janasvi stunned.

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