Captain America & Avengers - Pancake

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Pancake - Captain America & co

There was a sweet and delicious smell circulating in the tower that woke al the Avengers up

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There was a sweet and delicious smell circulating in the tower that woke al the Avengers up. The same thought hit all of them.

"Pancakeeees" Clint yelled and ran down the stairs ready to fill his empty stomach. He ran into the kitchen and saw Kayla dancing around in the kitchen. She was at the same time taking care of four frying pans and there was an enormous pile of pancakes at the side that was dangerously looking like the tower from Pisa.

Tony was the only one who wasn't completely happy that Kayla was in the kitchen, last time she nearly caused the Avengers tower to burn down because of her pancake making. He groggily walked down in his bathrobe and his hair was looking like a mess. Tony obviously had one to many drinks the night before.

Clint was still piling pancakes on his plate down in the kitchen and slyly looked over at her. "Didn't Tony tell you to quit making pancakes because of your latest accident" he said and waved his arm around to point out the fresh painted walls that were black and burned before.

Kayla laughed and walked over to him "shhhhh" she said while picking up a pancake from his plate and stuffing it in his mouth "Just eat, don't talk" he raised his eyebrow to her but accepted her answer and shrugged as he walked out of the kitchen, satisfied with his plate of pancakes.

While Kayla had all her attention towards Clint she totally forgot the other pancakes that where turning black in her frying pans. "Oooh shit" she cursed and turned around while sprinting to the stove.

Kayla jumped straight into Steve's back who was taking care of her pancakes. Steve didn't move an inch but she was certain of that she broke her nose by the impact. "Geez cap please announce that you're in the room next time" she said while rubbing her nose with a painful face. Steve chuckled "Be happy that I was here in time to take care of your pancakes because Tony is coming down and he isn't in the best mood"

Kayla smiled at Steve "Thanks dude" she said while playfully punching his shoulder and took over the frying pans.

"You want to learn the triple flip?" Kayla asked Steve as she picked up a frying pan.

"Wait, are it your triple flips that leave those marks on the ceiling?" Steve said with concerned smile on his face, he didn't want to be dragged in Kayla's 'destroying the tower' beef with Tony.

"No no don't worry Steve it's the double flip that does that, I've never tried a triple flip" she said with a grin on her face knowing Steve didn't want to be a part of her shenanigans.

"I don't know how to do it" he simply said trying to get away from the situation. "You don't need to do it cap, just watch and learn" Kayla said while picking up one of the frying pans and positioning yourself for the triple flip.

"Watch and learn" she said while gripping her hands tighter around the pan. Kayla launched the pancake up in the air and it flipped one flip beautifully the second one was also spectacular and the third one would also be that but there was a ceiling in the way and it was stuck up there with a simply *slaptch* sound.

"Ow fuck" Kayla said while dragging a chair towards her trying to reach the pancake "ow fuuck" she said a bit louder when she couldn't reach the pancake. She jumped of the chair and looked Steve in the eyes "is it obvious that there is a pancake up there?"

"Kinda" Steve answered looking up at the white ceilings where you could clearly see a nearly burnt pancake slapped against it.

"Care to help" Kayla said signing that she wanted to hop on his back.

"Sure" He said and she hopped on his back trying to reach the pancake. Kayla didn't really reach it so climbed further up the man so she was sitting around his neck instead.

"What the hell are you two doing" Tony walked in as he saw Steve and Kayla struggling in the middle of the kitchen. Steve jerked around to find the source of the voice making Kayla unstable on top of him, she tightened her leg trying to catch her balance as she quickly took her hand down from trying to take the pancake down.

"Wow Kayla you're literally strangling poor cap with your tights right now" Kayla bended a little forward to see Steve's face and it was bright red by Tony's comment and also of the lack of air.

"Sorry cap" Kayla whispered in his ear while grinning and making her way down from him slowly stepping away from Steve who was still a bit red but glaring at Tony.

The pancake decided at that exact moment to fall down onto Steve who just stood there defeated with the pancake on his face, not really understanding what just happened. Tony laughed as he walked of leaving Kayla with Steve.

"Want revenge" Kayla whispered in Steve's ear as he slowly took the pancake from his head.

"On you or Tony" he said chuckling "good" Kayla answered as she dragged him with her to plan an evil prank on Stark.


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