Hawkeye - Black Ferarri

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* unedited *

: How you met Clint Barton :

Plot: Clint got an order from Fury that he needed to bring you back from a mission asap because he needed you on another one, you were currently on an undercover mission in Tahiti to find something that has to do with Centipede

- HQ -

"Well Barton it will be hard to find her we normally drop her off at the airport with only her ticket and a pass, she doesn't need more"

"I will find her sir don't worry"

- Tahiiitiiii - 💃🏼 do da samba do da wamba

"Mpff" you grumbled searching in a black Ferrari trying to find a phone

"Do I need to help you or should I call the guards directly?"

You turned around looking at Mr. RichGuy who had his phone in his hand

"No please don't I just wanted to take a look in your car" you said with a fake scared voice

Mr. RichGuy looked at you again scanning you from top till toe

"Well then I shall buy you a drink, why don't you come with me to the hotel room"

"Of course sir thank you so much"

You followed him to the reception where he ordered a bottle of wine

"Thank you for not calling the cops" you said again but also hugging him

He hugged you back with his hands lower then you comfortably wanted but hey being a spy means a lot of uncomfortable moments

Your hands slide slowly into his pockets and you take his phone and, hello car keys you took them also

You stepped away from him

"Omg I am so sorry I forgot my phone in your car" You said getting fake worried

You walked out of the hotel towards the parking place while throwing Mr. RichGuys car keys in the air and having his phone in your pocket

"Men are seriously getting easier to fool every day" You said to yourself while starting the motor and closing the door

You were about to drive away when the car door opened on the passenger seat and someone stepped in

"Dude this isn't a taxi go and get your own Ferrari"

You looked at the man beside you and he looked at you

"You're staring" you said

"You only know I'm staring at you because you are staring at me" he said back

"Haha wow we have got a sarcasm guy in this car people" you said "why are you even in my car?"

"Actually this isn't your car you just stole it from Garfield Cameron who is in the hotel right now waiting for you"

"I prefer the name Mr. RichGuy but really his first name is Garfield?!"

You laughed while backing out of your parking spot and driving away with Sir Dudesome still besides you

You couldn't help yourself but smirk at the nickname you made up for him a mix of the first two words that popped up in your mind when you saw him

Dude and handsome

"You're laughing at nothing you know that right" Mr. Dudesome said "and it's kinda scary"

You stopped beside the road got out of the car opened his door and threw out on the ground taking your gun that was on your back under your belt

"Okay who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here" you said angered pointing the gun at him

"Wow wow don't shoot I'm Clint Barton agent of SHIELD and member of the Avengers I'm here because Nick Fury asked me to get you"

"Why?" You questioned still pointing the gun at him

"He didn't tell me but I think it was something about a parasite in SHIELD and a clairvoyant that needed to be unmasked" Clint looked at you "they need you"

You threw the gun into the backseat and jumped in the car again starting the motor

"Well are you coming or are you going to lay down on the ground forever"

Clint was fast on his feet again also getting in the car

"Well anything can happen but I'm keeping this car even if the world goes under or HYDRA comes back"

"Then you should give it a name it is always better to give things a name"

"Like what? Hamilton or wait it is a black car I should call it Nick I only need to crush one lamp then they would be twins"
(not meant in a racist way it just turned out like this (ω))

"Or Lola that does also sound professional" Clint said petting the furniture

"Nah the name Lola is more meant for red cars" you said "and it's already taken" you thought

"Come on we are at the airport place your car somewhere safe so SHIELD can ship it over later"

"Thanks Barton"


For the people who wondered
Nick did never get shipped over to Y/n because they had a little problem with HYDRA

Nick is still waiting on Tahiti

Nick is now a sad car


 Aaaaaand yes people who may wonder I've had a AoS marathon on season 1

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Aaaaaand yes people who may wonder I've had a AoS marathon on season 1

I have season 1 and 2 on dvd


And season 3 comes out on dvd in September

Have a good day/night/evening/morning whatever.. 👋🏼

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