Iron Man - Pow Pow

566 16 3

* unedited *

Plot: How you and Stark met

- Time: Avengers movie
when Tony walks in on the hellecarier, they've caught Loki -

You sat there behind one of the computers, there was only one word to describe your state right now


You clicked away the control screen from your computer (you controlled engine 3) and opened Facebook looking if something interesting is happening in the world

"Destruction in Germany, a crazy man draped in gold green clothes killed people"

You smirked at the picture that was added, his eyes were wide and furious because the person who took the picture obviously used the flash

You scrolled down again finding puppies draped in small cute avengers uniforms

"How does Fury even see these"
You looked up seeing the Tony Stark

"He turns" Hill answers

"Sounds exhausting"

Stark turned looking around

"That man is playing galaga" He pointed to Galagaguy well guess how he got that nickname

"And she is looking at.. are those puppies?"

"Yes Stark they are called puppies look"
You turned your screen to him showing a black puppy with an eye patch

"Y/l/n not now" you heard Fury say

-Time skip where engine 3 explodes -

You were half asleep when all the alarms started to blare and explosions were heard

"What the bloody hell is happening"

You looked around and saw everyone panicking

"Y/N is engine 3 working!?"
Hill screamed to be heard over all the alarms

"No miss engine 3 is down!"
You screamed back starting to look on the computer what the damage was

The screen was black

"Hill the control panel is broke someone needs to fix it at place"

"Rogers and Stark are outside right now"

"Okay I'll make contact with them"

You took an earpiece and plugged it in joining Steve and Tony's conversation

"Rogers Stark do you copy?"
You questioned in the earpiece

"Yes miss" Steve answered

"Yea who are you?" Tony questioned

"I'm y/n the one who controls engine 3 it looks like I lost control over the engine Rogers can you see a green box?"

"Yes miss"

"Okay go over there and look if you see something wrong"


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