Avengers - Dangerous cleaning

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* Unedited *

Plot: You still wonder how the heck Tony could spill his advocado drink against the window, not on the inside, no, on the outside.

A nice olive green drink smashed against the window like some sort of huge bird had diarrhea and it hit the tower.

When that happened, Tony of course, was drunk and thought it was an fun idea to do a backflip in the air, in his ironman suit holding his drink.

Nobody got hurt only the drink, that hit the window.

Normally this wouldn't bother you, but it was your turn to clean the living room, also the windows.

So right now you tried to talk to Natasha and make here clean the living room.

"Come on Nat please do it for me, your best friend"

Nat looked at you and just said a simple "no" and walked away

"It wasn't even worth to try" you said to yourself and walked to the basement to get some cleaning stuff.

-20 minutas later-

Right now you were dangling from the Avengers tower with a rope around your waist and some cleaning things in your hands.

You started to clean up the drink till Steve and Tony passed by on the inside and saw you.

You couldn't hear what Steve was saying but he didn't look so happy when you saw his shocked expression.

"Y/N come up right now!" You heard Steves voice scream, so you started to climb back up again.

When you were at the top you saw all the Avengers standing there

"Y/n you could've just asked Thor to clean it"


"because he can fly with his hammer and just sweep past the window and clean it in no time"

"yea... I didn't think about that one" you grumbled and looked at Thor "do you want to do it?"

"Of course my lady" Thor said and took your water bucket and his hammer and jumped of the building.

You and the rest of the Avengers looked over the side and saw Thor flying back up again ready to throw the water on the window.

But Thor didn't really calculate the distance between him and the window so he crashed right into the window and destroyed all the glass on his way up.

"Good job Cap but you will clean this one up" You said and walked away with Tony and the rest behind him leaving Steve looking down at all the destroyed glass.


Idk why I always choose Cap to be the one to clean up all there mess but he's just so kind and no other avenger would do that
Professional Greetings from me


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