Avengers - A knife problem

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* edited * 26/02/17


plot: I ain't gonna write it down bc I'm to lazy

The Avengers where in the living room and doing what they always do when they aren't saving the world, nothing, they do absolutely nothing.

Except for you, you were in the kitchen making dinner because Tony finally let you be in the kitchen again.

You were making spaghetti with pesto and chicken, the water for the spaghetti was already boiling and you were cutting the chicken when someone tickled you in the sides.

"HOLY MOTHAFUCKING PEACE OF HELL" you screamed but also the knife you were holding slipped out of your hand and fell to the ground with the sharp side down.

*tjaff* (how does it sound when a knife falls to the ground and lands IN a foot??)

You heard a manly scream and you turned around, and of course was Tony standing there with a knife in his foot.

The only thing you could do was laugh.

You were holding your stomach and needed to lay down on the floor cause you were laughing so much.

"What in Odins name is happening here miss y/l/n" Thor said when he stormed

(do you get it STORMed in storm=thunder=god of thunder XD)

in with the rest of the team on his tale, and saw you laying on the floor with tears falling from your eyes and Tony hyperventilating and holding on to the table with a knife in his foot.

"Nothing special" was the only thing you could get out from your mouth between the laughs.

Bruce just looked over at Tony with a stone face but you saw he was holding back a smile *sigh*

"i will take care of this, come Tony lets take you to the lab to stop the bleeding"

He was going to take Tony but Tony, of course, is miss drama queen and didn't want to walk so Bruce picked up Tony in bride style and walked to the lab. (Science bros)

Leaving you with a tear stained face and a team of superheroes who wondered what just happened.

"Miss y/n please explain" Thor asked kindly, you chuckled and said "I was just cutting the chicken when Tony came behind me and tickled me so i got scared, I screamed and then the knife slipped out my hand and and fell right on Tonys foot"

Clint just looked at you and said "you can't shoot an arrow and hit the target but you can hit Tonys foot without looking?!"

Steve walked forward and took a new knife and started to cut the chicken

"y/n come lets go to the living room, because if you stay here it's just asking for catastrophes to happen" Natasha said and took you to the living room.

"I am going to shoot some muppets!" Clint yelled because he was still in the kitchen "yell when the food is ready!"

"of course Clintie!"

"I need to check on my brother and give him some food" Thors voice boomed also from the kitchen.

"Yes of course and yes we will yell when food is ready" you said

"thank you miss y/n" and then you heard Thors footsteps fade away down to the basement.

"Someone else who needs to do his/her needs?" You questiond and turned around but there was Natasha grinning

"yes i need to go to the toilet" and she walked away.

"OF COURSE" you said and trew yourself on the sofa, sitting there for about half an hour staring straight at the wall,

"yup" you said to yourself "now i am the only one who is part of the doing-absolutely-nothing club"

Steve walked in and looked around "where is everybody?"

"Gone" you mumbled

"okay but the food is ready....."

You jumped up and said

"pleaaase Stevie can i call them on the speakers pleaaase" you looked at him with your puppy eyes and he just smiled

"only for this time y/n"

"yesss" you ran to the microphone of the speaker turned it on and yelled


Another chapter done
Stay safe
See ya ;)

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