Avengers - Cranky

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* edited * 26/02/17

Plot: you are cranky do I need to say more? Oh yea and you prank Clint somewhere in this chapter.

You are sometimes a very early morning person, but now? Now you were you the absolute opposite of that, you have been having a lot of nightmares this night and you didn't sleep at all.

so you had all the rights to be cranky.

It was 6 o'clock in the morning when you stumbled into the kitchen in your pyjamas.

"Moorning" (HPs George in the last movie, potter geeks will get it)
said a voice from the kitchen table, you turned around to look at the person who dared to talk to you, it was Bruce.

"Moorning" you mimicked Bruce happy voice, and searched for the bread and Steves handmade strawberry jam.

"Were the fuck is the fucking bread"
you searched everywhere but didn't find it.

"you searching for this y/n?" You turned around and saw Bruce still on the chair at the table and holding a packet with bread. You snatched the bread out of his hand and smacked it on the kitchen counter.

"your welcome miss cranky pants" you heard Bruce mumble from behind, you turned around as fast as your body could move risking a whiplash "what did you say?" You sneered.

"n-nothing y/n"

"say one more word and i will let you hulk out and put on a bikini in the middle of town while i trow rotten eggs and tomatoes on you"

Bruce put his hands up in surrender and walked out of the kitchen to the lab with a sandwich in his mouth. You returned to your search, when Bruce had disappeared, but you couldn't find that mother fucker anywhere! (the jam not Bruce).

"STEEEEVE" you roared from the kitchen counter, you were standing on it and still searching for that jam.

Steve ran into the kitchen and looked ready to strike holding his shield
"Why were you screaming y/n?"

"I can't find that stupid strawberry jam" you pouted

"You gave me a heart atack just for that, because you can't find that jam i made?!"

"I need that motherfucking jam you idiot!"

"Language y/n, just take the peach jam" he reached over to the peach jam and gave it to you.

"hmpf" you grumbled and took the jam and a spoon (yes a spoon) to spread it on your bread.

" there you see y/n you don't need your strawberry jam."

"Yet.." You mumbled

"I can go to the shop and buy some strawberry jam if you want?"

"NO" you screeched "You need to make your own handmade jam!!"

"Okay y/n, slow down don't be so grumpy" he also put up his hands in surrender behind his head, with a free shot for you so you flicked with your spoon at Steve, and then a clot of jam was flying trough the air *splash*

"headshot" you grumbled and walked out of the kitchen, leaving a dumbfounded Steve with peach jam dripping down his face.

You sat in your room reading a book and trying to calm yourself down, It was now 8 o'clock and Clint was awake but not Thor.

He was sleeping, not just sleeping, sleeping and SNORING, LOUD!!.

And he had the room beside you so you heard hem veeery well....

And then, of course, you lost it, you ran to Thors room, you didn't open the door, you just yelled "SHUT THE HELL UP WITH THAT FUCKING SNORING!!"

And ran away.

You needed a place to think and plan evil plans (you do that when you were in a bad mood) so you went to the living room and placed yourself in the sofa in the darkest corner of the room.

Sitting straight up with your elbows on the sides and the fingertips against each other and looking forward at the chairs in the main place of the living room.

You started to fall asleep when Clint walked into the living room. He made himself comfortable in a chair and started to clean his bow.

You were just sitting there and staring at Clint, the man who never got scared, he always said that not you.

Until an idea came up in your head, you sneaked out the living room and to the guest bedroom took a sheet and trew it over yourself, so you looked like a ghost, and shuffled carefully to the kitchen for step 2 of your plan, you took the flour from the kitchen table,
Steve wanted to make strawberry cookies for you, and spread it over the floor in the kitchen/living room.

After that you walked over to the living area were Clint was, you peeked under your sheet and saw that Clint was still cleaning his bow and listening to some sort of dance music from Avicii.

You sneeked up behind Clint and just stood there without making a noise just breathing in his neck, until he turned around, that's when hell breaks loose.

He screamed like a teenage girl and ran to the only way out, trough the kitchen. You heard someone slip and fall and crawl around and scream for help, you just took of the sheets and walked away with an evil smirk on your face.

Never mess with a y/l/n.

Even if he didn't do anything now, he still deserved it.

He always deserves it.

You were again on your bed trying to read or lets say just stare at the book when Natasha came in to your room.

"I've heard that you are a little bit moody today?"

"Who told you" you sneered at here

"nobody I just heard you scream at everyone, but i can help you out?"

You sat up in your bed and looked at here with more interest."how? maybe to burn up Stark tower and build it up again but that time glow in the dark pink?"

"No i can learn you to throw some knifes at Clints favorite muppets?"

You smiled and walked to the training room with Natasha on your tail.

So you and Natasha spend the rest of the day destroying Clints muppets by throwing knives at them.

He heard your conversation with Bruce this morning and just ran for his life to his room and locked himself in and put barriers in front of the door, for the rest of the day.

Onother chapter done :)
Sorry for the swearing ;P
See ya

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