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Have you ever known what it was like to love your best friend but not be able to tell him? To have it literally kill you inside? To be so embarrassed that it just silences you?

Well I have.

I am in love with Zachury Stevens.

He's completely oblivious to my feelings and it all started when we were kids...

I could hear a ton of little kids my age playing outside in the school yard, laughing and giggling... But here I was, nervous and unsteady for my first day of kindergarten at my new school. I didn't know anyone and all of my friends were across town.

I nervously looked up at my mother who had a calming smile on her face. She bent down to my height and rubbed my back.

"It'll be okay, Mer. You will make friends just like you did at your old school!" She looked me in the eyes, lovingly. "Oh, how I love you,"

I went to hug my mom, not wanting to let her go. "Mommy, please don't go," I whined. I'm not usually this whiny but I was honestly scared. I have never had to move before.

"It's going to be alright, sugar bug," she grabbed my hand and led me into the empty classroom. The teacher smiled as I entered and came over to me. My mom took my backpack off of my shoulders and placed in it one of the cubbies. She hugged me one last time, kissed my cheek, and told me goodbye.

I stood there quietly, not knowing what to do. The teacher introduced herself and then asked if I wanted to go play outside with the other kids. I shrugged my shoulders and she grabbed my hand.

I was kind of nervous and excited to see what was going to happen. I soon didn't feel the touch of my teachers hand anymore and I frantically looked around. There were a ton of kids playing on the playground, swing sets, and monkey bars, which none of them paid any attention to me.

I started walking towards the swing set when I suddenly tripped over a bright green caterpillar bar that was coming in and out of the ground. I held my knee, holding in tears. I soon saw this little boy with brown hair and a dorky smile come up to me, offering his hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked, helping me up.

I nodded, looking down at my knee.

He kept trying to look at my face. "You're not from around here, are you? Are you new?!" He seemed excited. Didn't he have other friends to play with?

I nodded.

"Awh, don't be quiet on me! What's your name? I'm Zachury! Zachury Stevens," he seemed proud of it, but he was still dorky.

"Meredith... My name is Meredith,"

"That's a pretty name! Do you wanna play with me?"

"Where are your other friends?"

He got quiet. "I don't have any friends..."

I got wide eyed. "Are you new too?"

He giggled, sadly. "I guess you can say that. Hey! Let's go play on the swing sets. I'll push you!"

Since that first day of my new school we have been best friends. We are now juniors and we are going onto our senior year, and I have fallen in love with that dorky kid that helped me up at the playground.

DISCLAIMER; I had help with writing this and getting it started by the users; ICECREAML0VER and GorgeousVampireGirl.
My cover is made by; raindrop
The picture in the box is a fanfic made by: cosmo_wanda


So I don't think many of you will get the hint that I chose Ellen Pompeo to play as Meredith Dennell but have Ellen be in her younger days and not her 46 year old self... But I am choosing to have her be a different actress! Any ideas on who should play Meredith?
I'm having Jeremy Sumpter play as William!
I'm having Candice Accola play as Alice!
Anywho, does anybody have any ideas on who Zachury should look like?

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