Chapter Eleven; Rollerskating Isn't So Bad

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Author's Note; thanks so much for reading and commenting on my story. It truly means a lot that you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing this. Please give it votes and possible shout outs! I would like to get it more know! If you have ideas for this story then please message me!


"William, I don't know how to skate," I commented as he bought our tickets. He just smiled at me as the lady hands our blades to us. We headed to a nearby table that was near the small food court they had. I could smell greasy pizza and hot dogs being cooked.

"It's okay. I never used to know how to skate either until my mom showed me how," he was lacing his skates around his feet, meeting my eyes and smiling at me.

"Exactly how many times have you came here?" I kept trying to lace my skates up but I was having trouble. I didn't have hand eye coordination so it was difficult for me. I felt embarrassed.

William bent down and laced them up for me. I bit my lip. "I came here a lot when I was younger. I don't know if I still have my skills left in me," he shrugged, standing back up. I was too afraid to stand... I didn't want to fall on my face.

He offered his hand and I hesitantly took it. He helped me keep my balance but I almost fell face first a couple times before we even got onto the rink.

There was a DJ playing the pop songs that you heard on the random now a days, and there were a bunch of little kids skating and running around. There were neon lights that were dancing around the rink and the lights were dimmed out.

William never let go of my hand as he dragged me into the rink. I was surely going to fall on my face if he ever let go of me. I was so grateful that he was hugging my hand tightly. If he wasn't holding onto me I was probably going to be against the wall.

The kids here were skating like pros and they were pretty much mocking me. William didn't seem to mind, he was trying to guide me along.

He looked at me with those cute blue eyes. "You're doing great, Mer. Just ignore everyone around you,"

I rolled my eyes. "Stop trying to make me feel better about myself. You know I suck,"

He just chuckled. "I think you're doing fine for your first time,"

I blushed lightly. I was hoping he couldn't see it in the dark. "Well, thanks..." I looked up at him and he was focusing on his feet, trying not to get his entangled with mine.

William looks so cute. His brown hair was scruffy, his blue eyes were soft, his jawline was defined, and his plump, full, pink lips were smiling. There was never a time where William wasn't smiling.

Why didn't Alice dump her boyfriend for him? Alice's boyfriend wasn't that great looking and to be honest, he was kind of a jerk. I didn't see their long distance thing lasting. William really liked her, but Alice pretty much pushed William away to hang out with her new friend.

How much you want to bet it was Marie? She would never tell me who it was, just like Zac never did... Zac.. I really missed him.

I felt William squeeze my hand. I looked up at him and he was trying to hint at me to go faster. I really didn't want to, I like the pace we were at. I could feel him speeding up faster and faster and I could feel my legs wobbling underneath of me.

"W-William!" I cried out. "I'm going to fall!"

"No you won't, I won't let that happen," he leaned down in my ear and I could feel his hot breath. It sent shivers down my spine.

I just nodded and he was right. I didn't fall. The DJ soon made an announcement that it was just the kids turn to skate for ten minutes so we exited off the rink. William let go of my hand once we got to our table and I could feel my hand finally getting air. It was sweaty but it felt empty. I sat down across from him, and he had his arms crossed.

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