The Accident

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I sat on a hard wooden bench at Central Park. I watched my little girls play on the swings and run around. But I also noticed all the parents sitting together on the other benches watching their kids, perfect little families.

"Hey" a familiar, Irish voice said from behind me. I turned my head to see Niall smiling with his hands held behind his back. He sat beside me and gave me a look that reminded me much of the one Shawn gave me every time he said he loved me.

"Ashley, I like you, a lot. More then a friend. I love Emily and Emma as if they were my own and I have so much respect for all you do for them. I understand if your still hurt after what happened with Shawn but I really like you and I wanted to know if you would do me the honor of going out with me" he said with the biggest smile ever. Which made it even harder say what I was about to say.

"Niall, I like you a lot to, but as a friend. I've been thinking a lot theses past few days and I think I'm ready to give Shawn one last, final chance. I'm so sorry" I said, watching his smile slowly turn into a look of disappointment, then anger.

"How could you still love that idiot after he cheated on you twice, and left you with your two children after he knocked you up. You've told me about how he was when you guys where friends but I honestly think that part of Shawn is gone. How can you trust someone who's hurt you so many times?" He started to yell, grabbing the attention of all the perfect parents from before.

"I'm sorry" was all I could get to come out before grabbing Emma and Emily and walking back to the car. Leaving Niall all alone, with all eyes still on him.

"Come on baby I've gotta buckle you in" I said to my daughter who was complaining about not getting to say goodbye to her little friends. Emily was a little more strong suited then Emma who almost never complained.

After they were both buckled up I drove home, thinking about what had just happened and how I needed to get to Shawn. All  saw before I passed out was the headlights of a huge truck and then pitch black.

(Shawn's POV)

*Ring Ring* my phone sang.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hi, is this Mr. Mendes?" the man on the other side said.

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm Peter Malloc, the records say your the father or Emma and Emily Taylor's. Both the children are getting looked out but aren't seriously injured. But as for Ashley Taylors, shes currently in critically condition after all of them got into a very bad car accident"

"I'll be down there as soon as I can" I said, tears beginning to fall.

"The thing is Mr. Mendes, although the doctors are doing everything they can, they don't think Ashley will make it, so you should think about having to bring the kids into your custody. Emma and Emily are going to be fine, just a few cuts and bruises since they were in the back seat with seat belts on" The man said, making my heart drop.

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