Once Insanity! #1

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Crossover Texts.

Merlin: Hello? What is this magic?

Henry: Merlin? You're alive! It's not magic, it's texting.

Merlin: Alive...? Texting...?

Arthur: I thought I was the one who should be dead.

Merlin: Arthur! You're alive!

Regina: Merlin and Arthur?

Gwen: Sittin on a tree.

Morgana: Please don't.

Emma: What is happening?

David: How are we getting connection service in Underworld?

Henry: Technology.

Merlin: How does this function?

Belle: It's a device you use to send people messages instantly.

Merlin: Thats it? Even birds can do that. It's useless.

Arthur: Yes. Even then it's more useful then you.

Merlin: Dollop head.

Regina: Language in front my son, please!

Merlin: Sorry.

Arthur: Heh heh. Even when I'm dead, I'm better than you.

Merlin: Which brings me back to my question... How is Arthur alive?

Rumple: Trust me. Dying. Apparently not so final.

Henry: So... He's alive... But there's another Arthur here. King of Camelot too.

Morgana: Are you kidding me? I have another one of him to face?

Emma; LOL.

Gwen: What is it... 'LOL'?

Henry; It means-

Snow: No I want to explain, I don't get enough lines!

Henry: Okay okay.

Snow: Laugh Out Loud.

Morgana: Why would you 'LOL' at me?

Regina: Because we would.

Morgana: raises eyebrow

Belle: You have to put the asterisk sign. The star thingy.

Gwen: star confused face star ?

David: No like, *confused face*

Arthur: What are the stars for?

Henry: Just style I guess.

Merlin: Weird...

Pan: I AM BACK. Suckers.








Pan: Yeah. I thought so.



Pan: A little awkward now.



Pan: You guys are no fun.

Robin: I'll just be in the background. Unnoticed. Like that one quiet person in every group chat.

Regina: Aweeee! I notice you!:)

Robin: :)

Killian: Can someone just bloody get me out of the Underworld?



Once Insanity! {OUAT}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt