Chapter fourteen

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Katelynn's perspective:
Jacob: We need a new plan.
We all look at Jacob and then at Rachel. Katie runs over to Rachel to see if she's okay.
Katie: Omg, Rachel!!
She looks exhausted and in pain. Katie starts crying. Zek walks over to her and pulls her up into a hug. We can all hear her crying into Zek's chest.
Austin: What the hell happened!?
Jacob: I don't know!! Now stop yelling, you're gonna attract mutants.
Austin gets mad and starts attacking Jacob. I stand up and try to break it up but I couldn't get to them. Katie had blocked me.
Katie: Don't! I got this!
Katie walks over to them and transforms into a banshee and screams at the top of her lungs. They both jump backwards and cover their ears, and we all do the same. She stops screaming and grabs Austin and Jacobs ears and she drags them off.
Katie's perspective:
I drag them away from the group and let go of their ears. They're both holding them.
Katie: What the fuck is wrong with you two!? You guys need to stop fighting and arguing, or else were leaving your asses here.
Jacob: I'm not even doing anything! Why does everyone get mad at me when I don't do shit!?
Austin rolls his eyes.
Katie: And you! (Facing Austin) You need to stop arguing with everybody in this group or were leaving you stranded here.
Austin: It's n...
I cut him off.
Katie: Not another word from you!!
Austin: But..
I cut him off again.
Katie: Now stop the fighting!! Next time it'll be worse.
Austin and Jacob both nod. But Jacob looks more depressed.
We start walking back to the group. Right as we get there, everyone looks at us.
Katie: Don't worry, problem solved.
Austin: Not quite.
Everyone in the group gasps. Except me, I was too in shock. Plus I could barely breathe. Austin had grabbed me by the waist and put a knife against my throat. So many things are going through my head at this point.
Zek takes a step closer.
Austin: GET BACK!! Or she gets it!
As this is going through my head, I am scared for dear life. But something else was on my mind. I started to worry. 'What if Austin knows my secret? Oh god. Don't jinx it Katie!'
Just then, Austin whispers in my ear, but loud enough so everyone can hear.
Austin: I know your secret...
'Fuck.' I think to myself. Everyone looks at me with confusion.
Austin starts to drag me backwards. As soon as he does, everyone takes a few steps.
Jacob: Austin, you don't want to do this.
Austin: How would you know what I want to do?
Zek: Austin. Please listen to me, you're not thinking clearly. You're just dehydrated, we all are.
Everyone nods.
Katelynn: You don't know what you're doing. If she dies, then we'll die.
Austin takes a step back, dragging me as he does it. At this point I am crying my eyes out. But then something came over me. I didn't mean to do it... but I did. I turn around and twist his arm until he's on the floor screaming. I step on the hand he has the knife in.
Katie: How dare you try to cross me!!!!
Austin: I'm... I'm sorry.
Katie: Nope. You're too late.
And just like that, his hand snaps off and he only has one hand now. Jacob and Katelynn pick him up as he's screaming in pain and she ties him up with branches. Zek runs over to me and grabs my face gently to see if I'm okay.
Zek: Babe, are you hurt? Did he cut you at all?
Katie: No babe, I'm not hurt, I'm fine, don't worry.
I fake a smile.
Zek: Are you positive?
Katie: Yes baby.
Zek: Good.
Zek doesn't mention the secret which confuses me, but I was kinda glad he didn't because I wasn't ready to tell him yet. I still had to figure out how to do it.
I look over at Austin and he's not there. I look around the rest of the group but no sign of Austin. 'Oh no.'
Katie: Where did Austin go? We all look in the direction to where he was sitting and he's gone. I walk over and just see broken branches and a note. I open it and read out loud.

Hello there. I bet your wondering how I escaped. It was really quite simple. Katelynns earth power is very weak so I was able to break right out of them without you guys hearing anything. Anyways, I will be back for all of you. One day. But this time, I'm bringing reinforcements. FYI, you might wanna keep one eye open at all times. You have no idea what I'm capable of. Good luck sleeping tonight, I'll be watching. Also, I'm the one who has your parents and your friend.
P.S. If Katie doesn't tell you her secret by the time I show up, I will.

Everyone stares at me in confusion. 'Dammit.'

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