Chapter sixteen

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It's been 5 months since the world went to shit. We still had no idea what had happened and what caused it, and it was really getting to us.
4 months had passed since I revealed my secret and we also had no idea where our parents were. We had gone to the White House like the voice, or Austin, said but no one was there. He must have moved them somewhere else knowing we would come for him. We crossed the United States almost seven times but still no sign of him. We searched everywhere looking for things we may have over looked. We hadn't gotten any messages from him either which kinda worried me. We started to wonder if this was all worth it. 'Of course it was.'
After what had happened, zek stayed by my side every second of every day making sure I was alright. He was like a cute little puppy that followed me around everywhere I went. Of course I was grateful that he wouldn't leave my side, I felt safe and protected, but I felt like it was a little too much. I mean I could handle myself. I watched him watch my every move and it was so adorable to watch his eyes strain on me and shimmer. Every single time I did something that could possibly hurt me, his muscles got tense and flexed and his jaw unhinged. But I was fine every time. He looked on edge like something will happen to me while I'm not on his watch. But he keeps forgetting that I'm a vampire and I could break every bone in a persons body if they even thought about touching me. I was also very fast and could outrun them very easily with the snap of a finger. But he didn't care, he just kept staring at me, mesmerizing me, and watched my every move.
In the meantime, Jacob was driving and Rachel was sitting next to him in the passengers seat. He was trying so hard to focus on the road but he kept glancing at Rachel and couldn't stop. I'm pretty sure she noticed too because in the next second I saw her push his face toward the road again. They both laughed and I looked over to my left to see Arianna and Arthur cuddling on the couch. They looked so cute together, I totally shipped them. I looked over to zek and he was still staring at me. I went to the fridge to get something to eat and saw leftover pizza from two nights ago.
'My favorite!'
I took it out, heated it up, ate it, then went to the bedroom. Zek followed me of course and I went into the bathroom to freshen up before I went to bed. I took a really long look at myself in the mirror. I examined my face several times and my stomach. They were  getting big...whoever it was. Zek noticed that I was in the bathroom a while and asked if I was okay. I said I'm fine and came out. As I walked over to him and sat next to him, I was holding my stomach and put my head on his shoulder. He put one hand around my waist and the other on my belly. We sat there for a couple minutes...
That's when I felt it.
The baby! He or she was moving!
Katie: Babe, do you feel that?
Zek: Oh my god!
Katie: You guys, get in here!!
Jacob must have parked the car cause I couldn't feel any movement under my feet. They all ran into the room yelling and screaming.
Ari: What happened!?
Rachel: Are you okay boo!?
Jacob: What's wrong?
Katie: Nothing!! Nothing!! I'm fine! Each of you put a hand on my stomach one at a time.
Rachel went first and she put her hand right in the middle of my stomach. I saw her reaction and her face went from worried to relieved to excited. She was letting out very quiet screeches trying to hold them in. Arianna was next and she put her hand in the same spot and screeched a little too. Then Jacob went and he just smiled. They all took turns and every one of them was smiling at me.
Katie: Isn't it amazing!?
Rachel: It really is boo, this is so exciting!! How long has it been again?
Katie: I think about 5 months.
Katelynn: Wow. This is so amazing.
Zek: Yes it is. He looked at me and I looked back. We stared into each other's eyes for a couple seconds before they broke it.
Katelynn: You guys? Wake up.
Katie: Huh?
Zek: Oh, sorry. Got lost in the ocean in her eyes. You were saying?
I looked at zek with my blushing face on and he just smiled at me.
Katie: Sorry.
Jacob: Okay, since we haven't gotten any "messages" from Austin, where are we gonna go? We've driven across the country seven times, and no clues or anything.
Rachel: Maybe he's not even in the country, maybe he's in a different one.
Katie: Okay, but how are we supposed to find him?
We all pondered on that. And then I remembered something me, zek, and Jacob did to him as a joke. We put a piece of plastic in his food at lunch and I secretly put a tracking device in his food as more of a joke. He ended up choking and almost dying but he didn't spit anything back up. I wondered...
Katie: Hang on a second...
I ran to get my computer and opened it and typed my username and password in. Everyone sat around me just waiting to see what I was gonna do. I went to the site you can use to look for people and I found him very easily. (I'm kind of a tech genius) Everyone was amazed and said how did you do that in unison. So I told them the story and they all looked disappointed.
Jacob: He should have died...
Everyone nodded their heads.
He was in Brazil. 'Why would he be in Brazil?'
Zek: Well, looks like we're going to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Katie: Yay! That's the first place on my bucket list!
Everyone laughed at me, but I didn't care. I enjoyed cheering people up, it put me in a better mood myself.

On our way to the airport.

Jacob: 1 hour guys!
Katie: Okay!
Thank god we were almost there, I was getting tired of sitting. I went up to the front where Jacob was and sat next to him.
Katie: Hows the weather looking captain?
Jacob: Not too shabby deckhand.
We both chuckled.
Katie: Hows Rachel doing? She hasn't spoken much since you know what happened.
Jacob: Yeah, she's fine. Just a little shaken up, that's all.
I look at him with my 'I know you're lying' face and he just ignores it. I turn around to see her in one of the chairs curled up in a ball, asleep. Its so funny the way she sleeps sometimes. I look over to zek and he's actually taking a nap instead of watching me at all times. I walk over to him and kiss him on the forehead. He turns over and scares me a little. I walk over to the fridge and got some fruit. I brought two apples, one for me, one for Jacob. I walked back over to him and sat down.
Katie: Here. Eat.
He looked at the apple, and then at me.
Jacob: Thanks I guess.
I roll my eyes and he bites into it. I look ahead and see something on the side of the road.
Katie: Stop the car!!!
Jacob: What!
Everyone sat up and looked alarmed. Zek was the one that really stood out from everybody else tho, he was on edge. He ran over to me and asked me if I was okay. I said yes and looked at everybody else.
Katie: Wait here.
They all nodded and I ran out of the RV.
I go outside and look around to make sure I'm alone, and I don't see anything except for grass and dirt and trees. I look over to my left to find two people lying on the ground. I run over to them and take a close look at them. One was still breathing, the other was dead already. I immediately recognize them as.....

Sorry if this chapter sucks but I did the best I could. Vote and comment! Vomment you might say...
Thank you guys so much for reading my story, it means so much to me just knowing that you're reading.
Love you guys!! I'll try to keep you updated!!
Stay classy!!!😘👋🏾🤘🏾

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