Assistant•Tony Stark

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*(Y/F/N) = Your Full Name*

Today was the day. The day you were going to start your first day at Stark Industries. You only landed this job because of a friend that worked there. You were going to be Tony Stark's assistant. According to the email you were to remind him of his meetings and so on.

It was 8 in the morning and you had to be at the tower at 10am. So you hopped in the shower for 20 minutes. You dried off, brushed your teeth and washed your face. You then went to your dresser and pulled out a white bra and underwear along with a white tank top. You put those on and walked to your closet. What to wear? Your going for professional. You thought. You finally pulled out a black pencil skirt, white button down shirt, and a black blazer. You put on your clothes and then proceeded to put on your makeup and fix your hair. You put on as little make up as possible, going for a all natural look. After you straightened your (Y/H/C) hair. It was now 9am. You put on your black heels grabbed your briefcase and papers and left to work.

Stark Tower...

There it was. Stark Tower. You walked into the building, through the glass doors and walked to the front desk. "Hello, I'm here for Mr.-" you said right when the lady behind the desk cut you off. "You must be (Y/N). Just take the elevator to the 7th floor, then turn left, walk straight and there's a door with the name 'Stark' on it." she informed you. "Thank you." You said with a smile on your face. He's been expecting me, I guess. You thought to yourself.

You rode the elevator to the 7th floor and took a left turn and walked straight to the door down the hall. You had never even met the guy, you were so nervous that you'd mess up on your first day. When you arrive in front of the door you knocked three times. You wait until you hear an "Enter." from the other side of the door.

You walked in and there he was. Mr. Anthony Stark. He was sitting behind his desk and was talking on the phone with someone. He gestured for you to take a seat and you did. As far as you could tell from the conversation, it sounded like he was talking to a woman.

The conversation on the phone ended within 5 minutes and his attention was now directed to you. "So, Ms....?" he asked leaving 'Ms.' lingering on the tip of his tongue. "(Y/L/N).(Y/F/N)." you responded. "OK, so you are my new assistant. Well what's first on my schedule?" he asked looking quite interested. "Well, Mr. Stark you have a meeting at 12:30pm and you-" "Boring! I think I'll just have a rain check and by that I mean not go." he interrupted you. So he was going to be that type of boss. You then mustered some confidence and said "No, Mr. Stark. You are going to attend that meeting. That meeting has to do with your new invention and if you don't attend that meeting, Stark Industries could end up in danger." you explained very assertively but with a polite voice. Tony was now silent. And there goes my first day on the job. He then spoke. "You have a lot of fire in you and I like that. So, what time is that meeting again?" "12:30pm sharp, sir." "OK, and please call me Tony." he said. "Okay, ... Tony."

He then got up and motioned for you follow. He told one the employees that were walking past something you could not hear. Your boss then turned to you, saying 'Have a nice day' and going his separate way. You were then escorted to an office which was next door to his. The man that showed you to the office said, "This is your office, Ms. (Y/L/N)." You were in shock. "Working here won't be so bad after all." You said to yourself.

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