Strangers & Poptarts•Thor

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Summary: You and the god meet in the desert isle.

There you were. You were on stocking duty. You had to restock the shelves today. You had spent the last 2 hours restocking the fruit isle, juice/soda isle, freezer isle, and finally you had to restock the dessert isle. When you arrived at the dessert isle you had found yourself upon a god (literally but you don't know that) He was looking at the poptart section. "Excuse me, sir, do you need help?" you asked. "AH, YES. Can you assist me in finding the strawberry flavored pop tart?" He asked. His accent is sexy. His hair is long, blue eyes, a handsome face plus the accent. Heaven. You thought. "Oh, I was just about to put them on the shelf. Let me open the box." You said turning away to get the box. When you went to your cart you hadn't realized how big it looked. "It can't be that heavy." you whispered to yourself. You lifted the box out the cart and then you realized it was heavier than you thought. You took two steps and when you went to take another, you almost fell, but someone caught you. It was the man with the sexy accent. "Let me help you with this box." said the tall muscular stranger. Damn! He's strong too. "Thanks." He set the the box down next to the shelf and you opened it up and handed him a box of strawberry flavored pop tarts. "Thank you for your assistance,..." the man paused not finishing his sentence. "(Y/N)." "Ah, yes. Thank you. I am Thor." said the the man finishing in a booming voice. "Nice to meet you, Thor. Have a nice day." you said to the man. "Same to you, my lady." Thor said kissing your hand and then walking away.

In the next isle you heard Thor say "MAN OF IRON! I HAVE FOUND THE STRAWBERRY POP TART! IS THIS NOT WONDERFUL NEWS?!" The man said "Yes, Thor it is wonderful news. Now keep it down. We talked about using your 'inside voice'."

Then, you started staring at your hand, but remembered you had shelves to stock. Going over the events that happened and the conversation you heard in the next isle, you came to the realization that: Wait... He's an Avenger! Wait until I tell (Y/B/F).

(Y/B/F) = Your Best Friend name

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