First Kiss/Characters

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T O N Y S T A R K~
Your first kiss was soft and sweet. It wasn't rushed. You had thought that you're first kiss with Tony was going to be rough based off of his reputation but it turned out it wasn't. When the two of you had your first kiss you were on the roof of the Avengers tower and you guys were just looking at the city scenery.

S T E V E R O G E R S~
When you and the first avenger kissed for the first time, you had actually made the move first. Steve was shy and in his mind he thought that you weren't ready. He was so wrong. You had actually gotten him alone without having any fans or paparazzi interrupting you guys.

T H O R~
Your first kiss with Thor was epic as you describe it. First, it's Thor. Who would've thought you'd end up with the God of Thunder. You and Thor had you first kiss on Earth. He took you to see the Northern Lights. You'd never been outside of Asgard or the nine realms, so this was special. You enjoyed the scenery. He was smooth with the kiss. While you were admiring the lights, you turned to him and expressed your excitement and that's when he kissed you. You kissed back. The kiss was soft and sweet.

C L I N T B A R T O N~
Barton kissed you when you were in the rafters. Clint was hiding from Natasha because of a prank he played on the red head. You were hiding in the rafters from Coulson to get out of doing an assignment. You were crawling around in the rafters when you bumped into Clint. You went to speak, but he covered your mouth and placing a finger over his mouth, signaling you to be quiet. He removed his hand and signed 'What are you doing up here?' You signed back "Coulson. You?' He responded with 'Natasha and prank'. You shook your head understandingly. You both sat for moment listening to what was going on below you. You suddenly heard Natasha and Clint speaking under you. Clint went alert and signed 'Catch you later' and kissed you. Quick and simple. You were taken aback, but signed back 'If you come back.'

P I E T R O M A X I M O F F~
Pietro kissed you while he was running past. You both had kissed before like on the cheek, but never on the lips. He decided that today he would catch you by surprise. You were standing in front of the mirror that hung on the wall in your living room. You had just finished applying lipgloss/lipstick and popped you lips together. That's when Pietro came by and kissed you. In the process of kissing you he smudged your gloss/lipstick. You turned around annoyed, but shocked.

B R U C E B A N N E R~
Bruce kissed you first. Aunt Flo came to visit and you feeling like complete shit. You were currently laying your bed scrolling through your social media. Bruce walked into the room and went rummaging through the drawer looking for something. You had got the urge to got to the bathroom. You got up and walked to the bathroom. You looked in the cabinet under the sink to get a pad/tampon, when you realized that you didn't have anymore. You screamed/sighed loudly. Bruce, hearing your distress, peaked into the bathroom. "What's wrong babe?" "I ran out of pads/tampons." You said looking up at him from your position on the floor. "Oh. What brand do you want?" You got up from the floor and looked at Bruce so adoringly. "I like (brand)." "Okay, cool. Don't worry, I'll be back in a jiff." Bruce said walking towards you and kissing your lips. That lifted your mood even more and made you fall in love with the scientist even more.

B U C K Y B A R N E S~
Bucky and your first kiss was not how either of you planned it or wanted it to go. In recent years, the Avengers split up, Bucky was kept in Wakanda, Wanda and Vision were off in hiding, Cap, Natasha, and Sam went rogue. You were also in Wakanda with Bucky so he had a familiar face with him in his recovery. As of now the planet and universe were in danger by Thanos. Before you all went out to battle, Bucky kissed you passionately. "In case anything happens, I want you to know that I love you so much." Bucky said to you. You blushed and let a few tears escape your eyes. "Nothings gonna happen, White Wolf." Those were the last words you spoke to him before the snap.

L O K I~
Your kiss with Loki was everything you expected. Knowing Loki you had to trick him into kissing you, but how do you trick a trickster? Well, taking notes from the God of Mischief himself, you cast a spell that turned you into a beautifully crafted dagger and waited for Loki to come into his chambers and pick you up. About 15 minutes later, Loki came into his chambers and immediately walked over to his desk. As soon as he approached the table he noticed the dagger. He picked the dagger up admiring its beauty and craft. He went to test it out by throwing it at a target, but before he could do so, you transformed back into yourself and kissed on right on the lips. Loki was so frightened he backed into his table holding his chest, but also falling into the kiss. After you kissed him, you smiled at him sweetly and left his chambers before he could get a word out. You had actually tricked the trickster.

P E T E R P A R K E R~
Peter made the first move to kiss you. You had been dating for a while now. There was a dance coming up.One day Peter pulled you aside in private and asked you if you would accompany him to the dance. He was psyched when you said yes. In the moment he had planted a soft kiss on your lips. The kiss was filled with the excitement he had.

V I S I O N~
Being that Vision is a android, he was not clear on the first kiss thing. He knew about it, but it didn't click with him. You sat down and explained to what it meant. After the discussion, he looked lost in thought and then pecked you on the lips. You were a little shocked because you didn't expect it. He then said, "What this our first kiss?" You responded with a little laugh, "Yes." You would never be over his cuteness and kissed him again.

T ' C H A L L A~
You and the Black Panther kissed when you had a mini date under the night sky of Wakanda. T'Challa had planned a dinner in the garden of the palace. The evening was perfect. A well orchestrated band, candle light dinner surrounded by flowers. You couldn't forget how much the two of you laughed and enjoyed each other's company. Once you finished your food, you two lovebirds walked around the garden. T'Challa pointed to the sky and a meteor shower was happening. It was beautiful. You looked to the man beside to find he was already staring at you. You both leaned in towards each and kissed.

W A D E W I L S O N~
Wade and you kissed when you were in the middle of an argument. You and Wade were currently arguing about a recent mission you went on. Wade was upset that you almost got your head blown off. You felt that you did nothing wrong, but you furious at how he was acting. It was a screaming match going on between the both of you. You had grown tired of yelling and went to walk to the door. You were about to grab the door handle when a hand grabbed your other hand and spun you around. You facing Wade and he grabbed the sides of your face and placed a smooch on you.

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