Superpowers You Possess

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T O N Y S T A R K~
You didn't have any powers. The only power you had was your amazing voice that stole the hearts of thousands.

S T E V E R O G E R S~
Steve didn't know that you had any type of superpower because you never used it. Your superpower was that you could freeze time. Steve hadn't even found out your superpower until you used it in a dire situation. (I'll add on to this in another installment)

T H O R~
You were of one of the most powerful Goddess in all the nine realms. You could control: earth, wind, fire, water and lightning. Thor found out you could control earth and wind when you two met at the battle. When you came to Asgard, Odin demanded he see what you could do and you showed him what you had.

C L I N T B A R T O N~
Clint didn't know this but you could read minds. You couldn't move things with your mind like Wanda. You never used it often though because you felt it was invading someone's privacy.

P I E T R O M A X I M O F F~
You could bring the dead back to life-Pietro being a prime example. You could also warp reality. (Like Dr. Strange) Pietro didn't find out about this until after he walked in on you using your second power.

B R U C E B A N N E R~
Evocation- call upon the forces of nature through magic. You could call upon physical, psychic, & spiritual forces of nature.
Feral Mind- tap into feral state of mind. You could tap into primal, unstoppable rage that allows you to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking & inflicting damage that you wouldn't do in your normal state. The only power you used was evocation, you were afraid of using feral mind because of how dangerous it was.

B U C K Y B A R N E S~
Possession (yeah, I brought in the supernatural). You were able to take over the body of any living being, whether sentient or not, by stealing their motor functions and senses. Flight, basically you could fly. Summoning. You could summon forth objects/people from seemingly nowhere. You could also transport a person, creature or object of choice by means of teleportation, dimensional travel, portal creation or some other way.

N A T A S H A R O M A N O F F~
Your only power was: expert tactician; expert marksman; expert martial artist; secret agent/spy; mastery of various weapons; and enhanced immune system. You're pretty much similar to Natasha except for the fact that you don't have a slowed aging process.

S A M W I L S O N~
Supernatural senses which means you have enhanced hearing, smelling, touch, taste and sight.

L O K I~
Duplication. You could replicate yourself, others and objects. You had shocked Loki with this power.

P E T E R P A R K E R~
Immortality. You had the ability of never dying and infinite life span. Peter found out when he found a photo album of your family. He was confused, but you explained it to him.

V I S I O N~
Invulnerability- immune to all forms of physical damage. NOT Immortality. You told him this when you were involved in a training accident.

W A N D A M A X I M O F F~
Author Authority- control all aspects of the Verse in which you exist. You could freely alter its nature, content, inhabitants, history, destiny, etc.

T ' C H A L L A~
Poison Immunity- immune to poisons/toxins/venom. You told him after a poison accident that left you unharmed.

W A D E W I L S O N~
Enhanced vision. You had 360 degree vision, heat vision, and infrared vision.
360 degree vision- you can see in all directions at once.
Infrared vision- you can sense heat signatures.

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