Mr Jackman•Hugh Jackman

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Requested by lizzyhowie
Summary: You meet at Comic Con.

There you were. San Diego Comic Con. You had saved up so much money to fly here from Seattle. "Ok first things first, I have to find the X-Men Panel where they're signing." You said looking at your map. You were in the right area where the panel should be. You began walking around looking for the panel and asking different people where it was located.

This was your thousandth walking around looking for the X-Men Panel. You looked at your surrounding and then realized that you had only walked in a circle this entire time. "OH MY GOD!!" You yelled out of anger. "Is everything okay, miss?" Said a voice behind you. You turned around to see... No? It couldn't be?... Hugh Jackman! "Y-Y-Y-Yes." You stuttered out. "What do you need help with?" He said. Damn, he's so gorgeous and his accent. You thought to yourself. "I need help finding the X-Men Panel." "Oh, it's right this way." He lead you towards the panel where he was stationed. "Thank you so much, Mr. Jackman." You thanked him. While handing you an autograph from him and the cast he said, "Please, call me Hugh. And your name?" "It's (Y/N)." You said. "(Y/N). That's a beautiful name. It's fits a beautiful girl like yourself." You blushed ever so slightly."Well, it was nice to meet you (Y/N)." He said. "You too Mr. Jackman. I mean Hugh." You said walking away from the panel.

When you got back to your hotel room, you took out all the merchandise from Comic Con. All your shirts and figurines. Lastly you took out you autograph from the cast of X-Men. You examined it and then flipped it over on the back and on the back read a phone number and a note. It read:

Phone Number*
- Call me, Mr. Hugh Jackman. XOX

"BEST DAY EVER!!!!" You yelled throughout your hotel room.

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