Saved•Pietro Maximoff

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You were a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. You worked with Coulson's team, but were to keep quiet about it because only very few people knew about it and Fury would like to keep it that way. You were currently back on the hellicarrier with Fury. He had requested you due to your powers.

You had the power to bring someone back to life after they died or if they weren't responding.

It was chaos all over the flying aircraft due to the battle in Sokovia with the Avengers, Ultron, and two new people you don't know the names of.

It was nearing the end of the battle and everyone had successfully boarded the hellicarrier. "Agent(Y/L/N), they need you in the operation room." A fellow agent came up to speaking in a rushed tone. The agent then turned on his heel began jogging and you followed suit.

The two of you arrived at the operation room. Waiting by the doors was Director Fury or the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director. "Agent (Y/L/N) there is a fallen Avenger in this room. I need you to bring him back. He has value to the team and personally to one of the teammates." Fury spoke to you saying the last sentence full of sympathy. You nodded your head and pushed open the doors. When you walked in, you saw no one but a body lying on an operation table. You walked up to the table while looking around at your surroundings. You looked to your left and saw a small table filled with bloodied bullets. You approached the body and saw the wounds.

He looked so lifeless, yet peaceful. He had messy dirty blonde hair. Had a small scruff of a beard and sure as hell was handsome.

You examined the wounds and then placed you hand on the wound to his shoulder. Your eyes began to light up a sunset yellow as you began to work your magic. You then slide you hand across his chest and the rest of his wounds.

When you finished you took a step back. He didn't wake up. He must not be coming back, you thought. Suddenly the machine started beeping. His heart beat was rising. After a few moments you heard ragged breathes. You looked to who they belonged to. The fallen avenger was breathing. "Hey, calm down." You tried to calm him. He started to panic. "Sir, it's okay. Your going to be okay." You placed a hand on his arm. He looked at your hand and then your face and relaxed.

He sat up and looked at you. You gave a slight blush. "Who are you?" He asked in his sokovian accent. "I'm Agent (Y/L/N). I'm the one who brought you back to life." You said. He looked away, staring off into the distance. "Agent (Y/L/N) can you tell me where my sister is?" He asked sounding afraid. "Um, who is your sister?" You asked. "Wanda. Wanda Maximoff. Is she okay?" He sounded frantic. "I have no idea. I'm sorry. I'll -" You were cut off by doctors rushing in. You were then escorted out.

"But, I have to tell him something!" You tried explaining to the doctors. "(Y/N) please come with me." Fury called from behind you. "Sir, who is that man?" "That is Pietro Maximoff. I'm sure he asked about his sister." Fury said. "Yeah, he wants to know if she's okay." "Well, you can tell him later, when we move him up into a room. Plus, your going to be watching him." Fury said walking away from you to the elevator. "Wait! Sir, what does that mean?" You asked running up to your superior. "That means you'll be living with the Avengers Agent (Y/L/N)." Fury said before walking onto the elevator and the doors closed making his face disappear from sight.

You were shocked. Your mouth hung open. You were snapped out of your trance by a buzz coming from your watch. You clicked the button on the side and heard a familiar voice. "Get packing (Y/L/N). That's an order." The line went dead.

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