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Requested by LintaSalvatore

You and Loki were the best of friends. Despite what he did in the past, you overlooked that. You always look past what a person's past was or who they were. That's what Loki loved about you. Well, he loved everything about you. Every little flaw, which is what made you perfect to him.

You and the God of mischief were inseparable. You told him all your secrets and him all of his. At least that's what you thought. You are in your second year of college at (N/O/C)[Name of College]. Loki was in the same class as you. You were studying Mythology in Greek, Roman, and Norse. I know, what a coincidence. Let's just say that you excelled in all classes due to you being friends with a God.

Now, you and Loki were in your dorm room, alone. You two were studying for the exam you had in two days. Actually, you were studying because Loki insisted that he was a "genius on mythology". It was quiet when Loki finally spoke. "(Y/N), can I ask you a question?" "What is it Loki?" You said looking up from your textbook. "You know the captain of the football team?" He said looking quite serious. "Yeah, Josh, right?" You said now closing your textbook folding the page so you don't lose your place. "Well, I heard that he likes a certain (Y/H/C), and she's in this very room." He said with a smirk on his face. You blush a very vibrant shade of red with a small smile on your face. "Ha! You like him!" You stop smiling. "N-N-No I don't." You stuttered, trying to sound convincing even though your blushing cheeks told a different story. "Yeah you do and I'm telling him now." Loki said pulling out his phone. "He doesn't even know you exist, Loki." You retort sticking out your tongue. "Then, I'll just call Thor and pass him the message." Loki said with a devious smirk on his face. "Loki! You better not." You said looking quite aggravated. "I'm gonna do it." He said typing the number in and hitting the call button. "Hello!... Hey Thor... I have something to tell you... Can you pass this message on for me... Can you tell Josh, the captain of the football team that (Y/N) likes him... Ok thanks" he hung up. You stared at him in shock of what he just did. You got up and walked to the door saying, "I'm going down to the field. How could you?" You yelled turning around to face Loki, on the verge of tears. "(Y/N) I didn't call him. See." Loki passed you his phone. You took it and checked the call log.

Thor: last call Sunday at 1:10pm

"Why would you tease me like that?" You laugh lightly. "Well, I am the God of Mischief my dear (Y/N)." "Don't ever do that again." You punch the god playfully in the arm. The two of you sit back down on the floor with your books. You return back to studying along with Loki taking out his book doing the same. "But you do like him." Loki said under his breathe thinking you hadn't heard him. "I DON'T LIKE HIM LOKI!" You burst out loud. Loki begins to laugh repeating 'You like Josh!' You tried to ignore the god, until he came next to you whispering in your ear the three words he had been chanting for the last hour and a half. You finally got fed up and you knew no other way to shut him up. You then crashed your lips against his. At first Loki was surprised, but then relaxed into the kiss. You then pulled away after a few moments. "Wow." Loki said, eyes wide in shock. "That was amazing." "What? You never kissed a girl before?" You asked curiously slumping back into the position you were in before the kiss. Loki smirked slightly. "OMG! This was your first kiss." You said in complete shock. You were sure Loki had his fair share of kisses up in Asgard. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone. " Loki smiled at you and you smiled back. The two of you then spent the rest of the night studying glancing at each other flirtatiously.

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