Catch Up/Characters

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Note: This chapter is a catch up chapter because I wanted to include Natasha and Wanda into my book because I know I have some readers that are attracted to these women. Please enjoy!

N A T A S H A  R O M A N O F F~
Natasha and you had your first kiss on the Empire State building. You two had agreed to go on a date to the top of the Empire State Building. You two were over looking the city lights when she turned to look at you. Noticing this you turned to look at her. The kiss was very cliche like in movies. She leaned in, you leaned in and eventually your lips met.

W A N D A  M A X I M O F F~
You and Wanda's first kiss happened while on a undercover mission. You two were tracking a threat and you two were sitting on a park bench across the street from the man you two were watching. You guys were making light conversation to not seem suspicious. Wanda noticed that one of the threat's goons were looking over at you two. Seeing this she instantly sprung into action and grabbed your face and kissed you.

N A T A S H A R O M A N O F F~
You and Natasha's first date was simple. She had set up reservations for the two of you at this nice restaurant in Little Italy. The dinner was absolutely lovely and Natasha paid the bill as she insisted. After the dinner, the two of you went on a walk and just talked about everything and anything.

W A N D A M A X I M O F F~
You and Wanda's first date was ice skating. The two of you went ice skating in Bryant Park.

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