They Find Out About Your Powers

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Notice: Tony and Natasha will not be included in this preference. As I stated in 'Superpowers You Possess', you do not have powers. Enjoy!

S T E V E R O G E R S~
Steve found out about your powers when you were walking around Central Park. You and Steve had been spotted by paparazzi a few times and been put in some magazines as 'Has Captain America found LOVE?". Your picture being posted up. Anyway the two of you had avoided the press the past week. Suddenly, a crowd of cameras and microphones were surrounding you and voices were shouting at you saying 'Are you Steve Rogers girlfriend?" "Isn't he involved with the Black Widow?" and so on. The questions being thrown at you were too much for you to handle and you started to panic. You just wanted everything to freeze. And so your wish came true and with you screaming 'STOP!', everything froze, except you and Steve.

T H O R~
You were in Asgard. Thor had brought you to the All-Father aka Odin. Thor had explained your abilities. He only seen a snippet of what you could do. Odin had heard enough because Thor was fanboying over you. Odin asked to see what you can do. He called forth some men to fight against you. One guard charged at you and you easily deflected his hit. Another guard came for you and you threw a gust of wind his way, sending him flying across the hall. Next, a guard swung his sword at you. You jumped back and stomped your foot on the ground making a wall made purely from the palace grounds, surround the him. Two other guards tried to sneak attack you, but you blasted them with fire. The last guard you saw just stood in his place with his sword drawn. You looked at him and said "Boo!" he fainted. Odin rolled his eyes at the last guard. He would deal with him later. He was amazed at you. You then turned to Odin. While looking at the All-Father, you splashed some water on the guards' faces' that you had just defeated. Thor's jaw was touching the ground. Odin had come to the decision of making you one of his fighter's, only if you accepted. You agreed upon the request that you fight along side Thor and his team, both on Asgard and Midgard.

C L I N T B A R T O N~
You and Clint were vacationing in New Orleans. New Orleans was known for it's use of magic and voo doo. Clint wanted to test out if there were real psychics and witches in the city. The two of you were walking along the streets of the city. He seen a small shop that said "Future Readings". He grabbed you by the hand, ran to the shop's entrance and pulled you inside. The woman that greeted you said "Hello, young lovers. Do you want a reading?" "Yes please." Clint said eagerly. You just rolled your eyes. "I sense you are not a believer." The psychic said. "I believe. I'm just weary of some people." You said. "Well, I assure you, I am legit. Since this is your first reading here, there is no charge." The woman said. The woman took Clint's hand. Let's see... what can I tell this man? There is departure in your future. The woman thought to herself. As soon as you heard what she thought (I don't know how mind reading works), you interrupted before she could say anything. "You are a phony. You was about to tell my boyfriend something you made up." "Babe, calm down." Clint said. You dragged Clint out the shop leaving the 'psychic' shocked. "How did you know she was fake?" Clint asked. "I read her mind." "Oh really? Read that man's mind right now?" Clint pointed to a man sitting on a bench. The man watched as a woman walked past him. "He's thinking about whether he should that lady's number, but thought about how his girlfriend would feel if she found out." "That's a coincidence." "Tell me what I'm thinking." "You think I'm a lying. Now your thinking about how I knew that. And now your thinking about pork chops." Clint was shocked. "You really can read minds." "Shocker." You said sarcastically laughing. Clint pulled you into a side hug as you walked back to a bar. "I can't wait to tell the team." "They're gonna have a field day with me."

P I E T R O M A X I M O F F~
Check out the title "Saved-Pietro Maximoff"
Pietro found out you could bring people back to life because he had watched the footage of when you brought him back to life.

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