How You Met/Characters

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T O N Y S T A R K~
The two of you met at an after party for an awards show. You were a singer. From the moment he saw you, you took his breath away. In the middle of the party he sauntered over to you and chatted up a conversation. He started off arrogant but some how he managed to charm you. By the end of the night he had gotten your number and the two began seeing each other more often.

S T E V E R O G E R S~
You and Steve met on a morning run. He ran earlier than you, while you ran at about 5 in the morning. At first it started off with you two not saying anything to each other. Eventually, it grew to waving, then 'good morning' to sparking up conversation. The more the two of you talked you started becoming partners while running. You got up at the same time and ran at the same time. One day you asked him out to a date. He gladly said 'yes'.

T H O R~
The God of Thunder and yourself met during a battle, except you weren't really a warrior. You were more like a the last kind of your people. The thing about you was that you could control all the elements (earth, wind, fire, water) along with lightning. When you met Thor you were saving some civilians. Thor saw you and thought you were the most beautiful goddess he'd ever seen. Later on after the battle he had found you and asked for your name and to come back to Asgard with him. You did protest at first but then obliged anyway. There your relationship grew to the two of you being inseparable.

C L I N T B A R T O N~
You met the marksman at a carnival. You were in line at the ferris wheel. When it came to your turn you needed a partner. You were about to get off the line, but a man with blonde hair came up to the ride and sat in a cart. Then he motioned for you to come along. You did so. Through the ride the two didn't make any small talk, just sat in silence. The Ferris Wheel went to the top and mid spin it got stuck. You decided that if your stuck up there might as well make a new friend. "Hi. I'm (Y/N)." You say turning to the man sitting across from you on the right of you holding out your hand. He took your hand and shook it saying, "I'm Clint. Nice to meet you." And from that moment you engaged in talking and didn't even notice that the ride had started. By the time you had realized, you were stepping out of the Ferris Wheel cart and exchanging numbers.

P I E T R O M A X I M O F F~
You and the quickster met on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. You had brought him back to life after the battle against Ultron with your resurrection powers.(I have an imagine for this) Now, you shared an office room on the helicarrier.(he wasn't allowed to go on missions until the doctors gave him the okay & you were there as punishment)He was sort of being a pest, but he was a cute pest. He would do little things to piss you off. Pietro would take your pens or misplace your stapler. One day he misplaced your tape and when you found it there was note on it that read, "will you go out with me?~signed P.M." As your answer you did the same thing he did to you.

B R U C E B A N N E R~
You and the scientist met at Barnes & Nobles in the sci-fi section. He had been admiring you from afar. He thought you were just the cutest. You had picked up a book and that's when he decided to make a move although it took him about 3 hours to do. The book happened to be one of his favorites. He sat down next to you and you couldn't help but think he looked familiar. Eventually, the conversation came to a close as Bruce had a phone call and matters to attend to after. The two of you exchanged numbers and set up a date to met again. When he left that's when you realized Bruce was an Avenger.

B U C K Y B A R N E S~(Just pretend he's back to old Bucky)
Bucky met you on an mission. When you two met the both of you hit it off really well. Your relationship with the Avenger grew to a good friendship and eventually a relationship as in dating. He was everything you wanted in a guy and vice versa.
(I know this sucked)

N A T A S H A R O M A N O F F~
You had the chance to meet the Black Widow in a training session. You had been a survivor of the KGB and defected to SHIELD (you weren't on the radar). She had read your file and had took an interest in your skills. One day after a day of training she pulled you aside and decided to ask you about your past. You had told her and Natasha instantly felt connected to you. Let's just say from that day on, the two of you were inseparable and were best friends. The best friend title got bumped up to girlfriend eventually.

S A M W I L S O N~
You met Sam in Washington, DC. It was after the fall of SHIELD/HYDRA & you had saw Sam on the news. You had decided to go to where he lived and thank him. When you went to his house he wasn't home. You decided to go to the park and just people watch. About 30 minutes later you had spotted Mr. Wilson. You waved him over and thankfully he came over because his water bottle on the bench you were currently sitting on. You had thanked him for saving the world. When you went to walk away he asked for your number. From then on you and the Falcon continued talking.

L O K I~
The trickster had the honors of meeting you in the Asgardian library. You were a guest at Odin's palace. Loki had walked into the library and you were sitting there reading his spell book. When Loki asked for it back you looked up from the book, looked him straight in his icy blue eyes while he stood there with his hand out waiting for the book to be placed into his hand and said "No." This took him by surprise. He never had someone say 'No' to him before and for that he liked you-actually loved you-for that.

P E T E R P A R K E R~
You and Peter were in the same Chemistry class together and were lab partners at that. He had a major crush on you for a while now. You felt the same way but didn't know how to tell him.

V I S I O N~
You had actually met Vision because you were Tony Stark's cousin. You were currently living with your older cousin because you had just transferred to a college in New York and you stayed at the tower. You and Vis met while you were studying in Tony's office. Vis had walked in looking for Tony but saw you at the desk and asked where he could be. You answered and introduced yourself. He did the same before walking through the wall.

W A N D A M A X I M O F F~
Scarlet Witch had met you at the New Avengers facility where the two of you helped each other control your powers (both of you had the same powers). You had gotten your powers because you were born with them. Wanda got hers through an experiment(going based off of MCU and not comics). She felt quite connected to you and grew very fond of you, as you did her.

T ' C H A L L A~
The Prince of Wakanda had met you when he was in London. You were the princess next in line. T'Challa was found of you since the day he ran into you when he got lost in your family's palace.

W A D E W I L S O N~
Mr. Wilson and you met when he started hitting on you at the bar (You know the bar that Wade met his girlfriend/future babymama). He constantly kept hitting on you with every pickup line he could think of but just couldn't impress you. Later on in the night he managed to ask you out formally and you accepted, without warning him that if he ever did what he did that night you would shove your foot up his you know where.

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