Target Practice•Clint Barton

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Summary: You two meet in the SHIELD training room.
One arrow flew. Missed. Another arrow. Missed again. And another. Another miss.

This went on for about 3 hours now. You tried once again. When you did you also had a shadow. You didn't realize it until a arrow, that wasn't yours, flew past you. "Nice shot." You complimented the stranger. The stranger stepped forward. The stranger was none other Clint Barton aka Hawkeye. When it came to archery, he was your idol. "Thanks." He replied with a smile that could light up a room. "How long have you been standing there?" You asked out of curiosity. "Just long enough to see that you missed the target you just aimed at." He replied. "Let me help you." Clint said as he walked over to you.

When Clint arrived next to you he picked up an arrow, placed it in your hands which you placed onto the bow and he stood behind you and positioned your body so you wouldn't hurt yourself or him and was aiming at the bullseye of the target. "Now focus on the bullseye of the target." You did so. "And pull back gently and then let go." You did as you were told and the arrow hit the bull eyes. "Good! That was great!" He exclaimed. "Thanks for the help." "No problem. Hey, I didn't get your name." He asked. "(Y/N). And yours?" You already knew his you just wanted to hear him talk again. "Clint. Nice to meet you, (Y/N). Maybe you'd like to accompany me for some coffee sometime?" He said with a light chuckle. "Sure." You replied. And with that he left out of the training room as you watched him disappear down the corridor.

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