Stay With Me•Phil Coulson

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Requested by: @PinterestGirl99

You and Coulson have been S.H.I.E.L.D. agents for as long as you can remember. The two of you have went on missions together off and on. Your relationship wasn't very close, until now. Recently, Director Fury has sent you and Coulson on countless missions for the past year. The two of you have grown to become good friends, shall it be dared to say, the best of friends. You two spend almost every minute of every day together or at least try to. You sit at lunch together and talk about the day and what your lives are like outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. Other agents assume that you two have a thing for each other or are already dating, but the two of you always deny it.

"Coulson, can I ask you something?" You say approaching your fellow agent. "Sure, (Y/N). What is it?" He responds, flashing a warm smile in your direction. "How do you feel about me?" You say finding your combat black boots interesting. Phil knew where this question was headed and what it mean't. "I feel that you are amazing and a good partner." He said, trying to hide his face behind the folder he had in hand while a pink blush crept up his face. "I saw that Agent Phil Coulson, you blushed," you said with a smirk across your face. "You like me." "Not true." Coulson defended himself. "And why did you ask me that question?" Coulson asked curiously. You went silent. Then, your fellow agent had an amused grin on his face. "You like me, that's why you asked me." He said pointing an accusing finger at you. "I-I-I do-do not like you! At all!" You stammered through your sentence. "Do too!" "Do not! In fact, you like me!" You stuck your tongue out at him. He had a look of mock hurt on his face and then copied your face. This conversation of 'Do not!' And 'Do too!' continued until it you were quieted sharply by Agent May who was in the cockpit of the quinjet.

"Okay, team. Our mission is to go in to the A.I.M. base and get the hostages out with as little casualties as possible. Got it." The S.T.R.I.K.E. leader instructed. He split up the group agents into smaller groups and gave them instructions. "Agent (Y/L/N), you will go in and find intel on the rest of A.I.M. Coulson, same goes for you, too." You and Coulson were dropped off on top of the roof of the base you were to infiltrate. The quinjet landed a couple miles out from the base.

You and Coulson made it into the base to the floor you were supposed to be on successfully. You and Coulson walked down the hall of the floor guns ready for an attack. It was quiet on the floor, but also between the two of you. Not a word had been spoken between between the two of you since you landed. You were about to open a door to one of the rooms, when you heard a gunshot and felt warm liquid coming from your side. You looked up and saw an A.I.M. agent with his gun poised up aiming at you. He would've shot another round, but didn't get to because he had been stabbed in the throat with a knife that Coulson threw. You turned around to see your partner looking at you concerned. "You okay?" Coulson asked. You shook your head and then slumped to the ground. As soon as you hit the ground, the shock from the wound wore off and the pain kicked in. Coulson dropped to his knees beside you, lifting your head up in his lap. You were bleeding. A lot. A puddle was forming, even if there was hand applying pressure to your wound to stop the bleeding. "(Y/N) STAY WITH ME! YOU HEAR ME!" Coulson yelled at you. Your vision was fading in and out. You could barely make out your partners features. So this it. This is how I'm going to die. "I need back up right now, on level three. Also, send medical. Agent (Y/L/N) is down. She's been shot." Coulson said though his com. "(Y/N) stay awake. Look at me. You can't leave. Your not going to die. I won't let it happen." Coulson said tears welling up in his eyes.  You started seeing black spots in your vision. "I love you. I love you so much." Coulson said, tears streaming down his face. You were about to say something, until everything went black. The last thing you saw and heard was a medical team running up to you and Coulson yelling, "(Y/N)!"

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