Chapter 2

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Molly P.O.V.

As I walked into school with my head down, trying to blend into the crowd. I bumped into something or..... someone. " Watch where you are going nerd" someone yelled at me I didn't even bother looking who it was.

As you can tell not only am I getting abuised at home, but also getting bullied at school. 'Just because I get staight A's don't mean that I'm a nerd right' I thought hopelessly as I walked into my first hour.

After 3 hours, of boring lectures from my teachers. Just becasue Im a nerd doens't mean that I have to like school. It was finally lunch time,and I was getting hungary. I walked out of my class, and started walking the lunch room. Before I knew what was happening I was being held against the lockers by my neck.

" Ahh" I tried to screamed but It came out muffled. Then I felt a stinging pain on my cheek, and I put my hand over it trying not to cry from the pain. I was trying to breath But I couldn't, As he kept putting even more pressure on my neck.

"Hey freak" Ian smirked.

I looked up knowing full well who it was that just smacked me. Ian Jones was the schools " Golden boy that couldn't do nothing wrong". He has bullied me since freshman year. He would never admit to it, but we used to be good friends I don't know what happened.

Then I was suddenly dropped to the ground, and was finally able to breath. I was trying to catch my breath, when I heard someone say " What the hell do you think you are doing" The person yelled. I knew that voice, but I couldn't place it. I was still trying to get my oxygen back into my lungs. Still looking to the floor with shock and fear.

" I was...t..teaching the nerd a lesson" Ian stuttered back.

"Why, what did Molly ever do to you ?" The person was now furious as he yelled.

I got curious about who was yelling at Ian, so I got enough courage to look up. I saw a mess of dark blonde hair and a leather jacket, then I knew who the person was . Its was the one and only Alex Scott, he was the schools bad boy. He didn't care about anyone but himself and his best friend that I think he name was Steve.

'wait...did..he just say my name? how did he know me? why was he standing up for me?' I thought gettind a little scared.

Ian didn't reply to Alex, so Alex waved him off dismissing him. "Get lost" Alex told him as Ian got up and ran away.

Alex came over to me his face softened as he seen me, then he sat down nex to me,and I scooted over scared of him. I started to shake, but I tried my best to hold still. I don't think it worked.

" You don't have to be scared of me" Alex said softly looking at me with concern and little bit of anger. I knew the anger was not at me, but at Ian. I quickly look down to the ground.

"I hate bullies" he mummbled under his breath.

I felt a finger on my chin, as my face was brought up to face Alex.

" You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not going to hurt you Molly" He said but I bearly heard him. I was getting lost in my thoughts, as why he would care about a nerd like me

"But, I'm just a another nerd" I said meeting his gaze.

Authors Note:

I decided to write the next chapter and put it on today as well..

I just want to thank you for reading and a happy new year.

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