Chapter 8

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Molly P.O.V.

Alex, and me were still on his bed, also I was trying not to cry. Alex was holding me so close that I snuggled into his chest. I heard his breath hitch, also his heart was starting to beat faster.

' Why is his heart beating so fast'

" Im sorry Alex" I mummbled into his chest.

He took a long breath in, and pulled me away from his chest. I tried not to show the disapointment on my face. I felt a cold now that I didn't have his body heat.

' Why am I disapointed that he pulled me away from him?'

' Because, you like him'

'No, I don't'

'yes, you do don't lie to yourself'

'Whatever, and even if I did. He woudn't like me back, because I am to broken to fix'

I argued to myself, and I push the thoughts away. Alex looks at me for a few mintues, and I began to feel self conscious.

" You don't have anything to be sorry, about Mol" as he said that I saw something flash in his eyes, but before I could know what it was it was gone. The nickname that he gave me always made me special, but I tried not to smile when he said it.

" Yes, I do Alex" I said

" What do you have to be sorry for Mol" He said cursiously.

" For being worthless" I said under my breath so he woudn't hear me.

"And who said that to you Mol" He said getting angry.

I slowly backed away from him, as I was getting scared. He looked just like my father at that moment that I said " Please don't hurt me". I put pulled my knees up and hid my face. After, a few secound I looked up to see if he was going to hit me. The look on his face, almost made me cry.

He anger vanished from his voice, and he now looked hurt.

" Why, would I hurt you Mol " He said gently.

I shugged, trying not to cry my eyes out. He slowly pulled me to him, as if to see if I would pull away.

" I know its hard, but I need to know what is happenig molly" He said into my neck . I tried to ignore his breath that was sending tingles down my spine.

' I can trust him. I know that I can'

I took a deep breath, then I remembered what he told me earlier.

" If I tell you my story, you have to tell me yours" I told him smirking.

He chuckled into my neck, and pulled me closer to him. My breath caught in my thoat, and my heart started beat very fast.

'Ok, maybe I do like him, but this is not going to end well'

" Ok i will, tell you mine after to tell me yours" He said as he pulled away to look into my eyes.

" Where do I begin"

" the begining" he joked

I smacked his chest. " Shut up" I told him smiling.

" Ok I will start from the begining, lets see my mom was a beauitful woman. She loved and cared for me, but oneday after school I came home only to find her crying on the couch. She looked up at me and smiled, but I could tell something was wrong. I walked over to her, and pulled her into a hug. I was only 15 at the time.

She cried into my shoulder for hours, I wanted to know what was wrong. I didn't want to make her even more upset, so I didn't ask.

" I'm sorry baby" she said as she stoped crying.

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