Chapter 13

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A picture of what I think Molly would look like. :)

Alex P.O.V.


I heard a loud noise, as I tried to rise my head to see where it was coming from. All I felt was pain as my body refused to listen to my mind. I lost it, after the man that called himself a father hit Molly.

"NOOOO" I yelled as I watched Molly fall down. I tried to see if she is still breathing but I didn't see her stomach rise and fall.

I was too busy looking at Molly to realize that he got closer to me, I struggled to get out of the rope that I was tied with.

"Do you really think that you can save her?" He asked

" Yes I can, and I will " I yelled tears slowly falling down my face.


The loud rang out across the room, but I tried not to make a sound I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of me in pain. I let out a small groan of pain, as pulled on the ropes again, and I soon realized that I loosened to ropes around my hands enough to slip out.

' I am going to save you Mol'

I looked up to him with a smirk on my face, as I quickly as I could I stand up. I punch him straight in the face with all of my power, I heard a loud crack echo off the walls of the room. I smiled as he falls unconscious on the floor. I felt my anger grow as I looked at him. I continued to kick and punch him as I took out all of my anger until he was barely recognisable. I rush over to Molly to check on her. I put my hand on her neck to see if she has a pulse. I barely felt one, then I heard a groan of pain and movement. I looked behind me to see Molly's father starting to get up.

I quickly picked up Molly, and looked around to see stairs leading up. As quickly as I could I ran up stairs.

" Run, but you can't hide" I heard from the basement.

" It's okay Mol. I have you; you will be fine" I said running to the front door. I heard footsteps coming closer to me, as I run out the door. I look around to see Steve's car pull up next to the sidewalk. I rushed over and put Molly in the back seat, and climbed in the font.

"Ok, either you have every awesome powers, or you did something to know I was inside that house" I said as we put the car in drive, and quickly drive to the hospital.

" I put a GPS on your phone, just in case you were kidnapped by your enemies" he said as he breaks every speed law in the country.

" I don't know if that is creepy, or amazing" I said as we pull up to the hospital.

I don't know how but I was in the waiting room, waiting for news about Molly. My breathing was becoming quick as the wait grew longer and longer.

" Hey buddy, do you want a coffee ?" Steve asked me

" Sure" I mumble as I tried to sit up.

As he hands me the cup, I ask " Have they found out anything?"

"No. Not yet, but I know Molly will be fine. She is a warrior, she will make it" Steve said gently.

" I have to go home, but I will be back first thing in the morning I promise " he said sadly and got up to leave.

I got lost in my head, as he leave to go home.

She is my warrior, but I also promised I would not ever let him hurt her again.  I broke my promise to her, and now I am paying the price. I let the girl I love get hurt again, and I couldn't protect her like I should have. I got taken out of my thoughts, as I heard Molly's name being called out.

" Is Molly's family here?" A doctor asked

I quickly stand up and run over to the doctor. The doctor looks at me for a second, and shrugged his shoulders.

" Sorry, to tell you this, but Molly is in a coma, and we don't think she will be able to wake up" the doc said sympathetically.

I fall to the floor with tears in my eyes begging to coming out. I got lost in my thoughts, as I barely hear him saying that the cops are on their way. I slowly rise from the floor with tears falling from my face, but I didn't care I just wanted to see Mol.

" Can I see her?" I asked quietly and succeeded in not stuttering.

" Yeah, I guess you can, but visiting hours are almost up" he said

" What room is she in?" I asked

"203"was all he said, before I bolted down the hall and up stairs to the second floor.

I ran into the room 203, to see Mol hooked up to all different types of machines. I about fall to the floor in tears at the sight in front of me. I run over to Mol and picked up her hand that felt cold and lifeless.

" I'm so sorry Mol. I broke my promise to you and I can't take it back. You should know I never cry for anything, and look what you are making me do. I'm crying my eyes out like a baby." I chuckled.

" Please Mol, wake up for me please. I want to see your beautiful hazel eyes again" I said as I kissed her hand.

" Please Molly, I love you. I can't lose you too " I mumbled holding onto her like I'm trying to give her my life source.

Author's Note

Sorry for not updating sooner. I have busy with school work and studying, and also I was being lazy.

So what do you think is going to happen to her dad? Will the cops get him ?

There is only going to be a few chapters after this and then this book is going to be officially over.

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