Chapter 6

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Molly P.O.V.

After school, I walked home knowing that it was going to bad when I opened the door. I made it to the door, as I took a deep breath preparing myself for what was about to come. I walked in, and slowing closed the door behind me. I tried to make it up stair, but before I could make it up the steps I felt my body being pulled back.

" Ahh" I screamed as my father pulled my hair making me fall.

" You are really are worthless aren't you little girl " he grabbed my arm pulling me back to my feet.

"Please father, I didn't do anything please" I begged knowing that I was only making it worse for me.

" Did I tell, you could talk girl " He smacked my cheek I had to bite my lip to stop the scream from coming up.

I didn't want to give him the joy of seeing me scream,as he hit me over and over again until I saw darkness form around me. Right before I pass out from all the pain, I felt my body being picked up and thrown across the room, landing on the glass table. I lost unconsciousness, and fell asleep with one thought ' Am I worthless to everybody'.

    In the morning I could barely move I was in so much pain . I just wanted to go back to bed, but I knew that if I did I might not wake up. That was starting to sound like a good idea, but I knew that I need to fight , that is what she would have wanted.

    I tried to pull myself up, but I ended up falling back down. " oww" I said trying my hardest to hold in my screams of pain that were going through my body.

    I finally was able to pull myself up , I had to hold onto the wall to keep from falling down.  My room was upstairs, it was very hard to work myself up the stairs. I finally made it to my room, and I walked over to the bathroom to look in the mirror. There was glass stuck in my back from the fall, I began to pull them out one by one. By the last piece of glass I was in tears silently crying, I walked over to start a bath.

I climbed in the tub, hissing at the pain as I lay down. I relaxed in the tub for a few hours, I slowly climbed out of the tub some of the pain is gone. I put my clothes on walked over to my bed slowly crawling into it. I look over at my alarm clock to see what time it was 12:40 the clock said. I fell asleep, as soon as I head hit the pillow to finally leave my pain and go somewhere else.

" Molly"

I heard a voice but didn't know where it was coming from. I began to panic as I looked around trying to find the voice.

" Molly, its ok. I need to tell you something and I need you to listen to me ok" the voice said to me.

The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't think of where.

" Who are you " I asked looking around but finding nothing but darkness.

" Its me Molly. I have always watched over you. I have seen what you are going thought" The voice replied.

"Mom" I said remembering the voice I could feel the tears starting to form.

" Yes, darling its me. But I need to tell you something before I leave" she said

" No don't leave me again mommy . I need you, I can't make it without you" I was crying so hard.

" Yes you can, because there is a boy that wants to help you. He will protect you from your father . ok Molly "

" Who is he mommy" I asked trying to stop the tears

" You know who it is. You just need to trust, and don't let your fears get you "

" I have to leave baby girl, but know that I am always watching over you. If you ever need me I will be there. I love you baby"

" Mommy don't leave me, and who is he ?" I tried to ask but she was gone.

    I woke up sweating, and panting trying to make sense over what just happened.

'Was that real' I thought

' Who was he'

Authors Note:

Was her mom talking about Alex or somebody else?

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