Chapter 14

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Molly P.O.V.

Beep Beep Beep

This sounds familiar. Where am I?  Where is that fucking beeping coming from. I tried to open my eyes or move but I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I heard someone coming into the room or wherever the fuck I am. Then I heard a whimper like someone was sad.

Why were they sad? What happened? Why can't I move?

"Molly please wake up for me. I need you " said a familiar voice that I couldn't name.

" Mol... Please" They said

Wait I know that voice that.. that is Alex's voice. I tried to move again to do something but I still couldn't do anything. I felt Alex take my hand and I felt my hands start to get wet.

Was Alex crying ? Someone please help me wake up right now!

I tried again to move my fingers and I guess I finally was able to move from the gasp of breathe I heard.

"Molly!" Alex yelled.

"Molly can you move again please?" Alex asked.

I put all of my focus to open my eyes and finally saw a glimpse of a bright light.
"T...turn.. Off" I whispered

" okay the lights are off baby please wake up " Alex said taking my hand in his.

I forced my eyes open to see a black room. Blinking my eyes open I could see Alex in 'my room' crying and holding my hand.

(I don't remember if I the doctors want to pull Molly Life support off or not so why not)

"Molly.. I thought I was going to lose you. They were going to pull the pug and let you died but I just ..I just could let them do it" Alex whimpers.

"Y..You can't get rid of me that..easy Alex" I mumble softly.

"Do you remember what happened Moll?"Alex asked

"W..What happened? I don't know what you are talking about Alex" I said confused.

" umm.. Your father after cutting you. Punched you and knocked you out. Steve some how put a GPS tracking thingy on my phone, and saw that I wasn't where I normally am. I don't if I should be scared that he has that or scared, but I called the police when we were on the way to the hospital. They found him passed out on the front yard with a knife in his hand. He is being sent to jail for kidnapping, and attempt of murder. We won't be seeing him again for a very very long time" Alex says rubbing my hand." Alex told me well rubbing my hand in comfort. 

"Ohh..Well that explains why my head hurts" I mumble.

Alex doesn't say anything and presses the nurses button . The nurses rush in to see me up, so they rush over to check on me.

" How you are doing? Are you in pain?" One of the nurses asked me.

" My head hurts" I say softly.

The nurses gave me some meds and then left the room after saying "Call if you need anything. I nod even though they already left the room. I look back over to Alex that is standing by the wall next to my bed.

"Why are you not in the hospital to?"I ask

"Well I am, but with you. I only had a few bruises and bump nothing to serious" Alex said smirking.

"Ugh.. You know what I meant Alex" I pouted.

"Yeah I did. Now make room because I want to lay down" Alex said walking over to me.

I smirk at him and say " No, you don't get you lay down next to me".

Alex froze and then smirked and continued walking over. I know with the smirk on his face that doing to do something. I felt and gentle push and then unconsciously moved out of the way. Alex then slips into the bed next to me and holds me making sure not to hold me to tightly.

"I love you Molly" I heard Alex saying before his breathing evened out and he fell asleep.

'What.. What did he say.. Did I hear him right.. God Please don't let this be a joke. I love him, and he just told me that he loved me back'

'Maybe he does love me, because he never pushes me to do something that I don't want to do. I trusted him with the abuse of my father, and he never told anybody. Maybe god will let me finally be happy with him. Now I just have to tell him how I feel'

"Yeah..I love you too Alex" I mumble.

With that decision I fell asleep finally knowing I was loved by the man that saved me.

Authors Note

That is it for Alex and Molly. I might rewrite it later but for now it good.  I hope you liked them , because I know I do. I'm writing Blades story next with all the characters in it.

Well until next time.

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