Chapter 7

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Alex P.O.V.

Molly didn't come to school today, and I was getting scared. I had a feeling that something bad happened to her. I tried to focus on todays work, but my mind kept going to Molly.

" Whats wrong Alex" Steve asked me.

" I have a bad feeling steve" I said

" About what"


" Oh, I haven't seen her at school today" He replied

" I know and I am worried. I don't know why but I think something happened to her" I said truthfuly.

" I don't know maybe she will come to school tomorrow" He said trying to cheer me up.

I shuggled dropping the subject, he got the idea and turned around to face the teacher. The bell rung, and I put my books in my bag. I walked out leaving Steve behind. I looked my watch and saw it was 1:30 pm, so I walk out and got on my bike. I wanted to clear my head, so I drove to the graveyard. This is only place were I felt safe to let my mind wonder.

    Then from the corner of my eye I saw someone walking over here. I didn't think nothing of it, so I closed my eyes letting the afternoon air breeze by.I opened my eyes and looked over to see a girl that look like Molly. She was looking down at a gravestone.

" Why, ma "  She said.

That was Molly's voice, but she sounded broken. I slowly walk over to her, as I got closer I see her face was covered in bruises. I felt my breath catch in my throat, as I tried to talk.

" M..Mol" I managed to get out.

She jumped back, as I talked. I sat down next to her, and pull her too me. She begins crying in my chest. My heart is aching, because she is hurt.

" Why, Mol" I asked her

" Worthless" She mumbled in my chest.

I hold her tighter, she flinches back as I pull her to me.

" Who did this Mol" I asked gently

" Its my story, you tell me yours and I will tell you mine" She said trying to stop crying.

" Ok Mol. I will tell you mine, but you have to tell me yours Mol. I want to help you" I said honestly.

She blushes, but nods and slowly gets up but she holds her stomach as if she has pain there.

" Hey, Mol .Can I see your stomach, I need to check to see if you broke anything" I asked softly.

She nods and lifts her shirt up, and all I see is black and blue on her stomach. I look at her, and try to stop my anger from coming out. She needs me right now, I need to help her. She pulls down her shirt, as we walk to my bike I help her on my bike. I got on, as put her arms around my waist as I drive us to my house.

    As we pull up to my house, I helped her off the bike and walk over the front door. I open the door and close it behind us,and walk to the kitchen to grab beer.

" Do you want something Mol?" I asked

"A pop if you have one" She said from behind me.

I grab a Pepsi, and hand it to her. I take her hand and lead her to my room. I could see that she is trying to hold back the tears that threatened to leave her eyes. We make it to my bedroom, I sat down on my bed holding on to her.

    ' what happened to her. Whoever hurt her is going to pay for it. Nobody hurt that girl I love'

'Wait need I just say love'

I shocked my head against that thought. 'I know that I like but I don't love her, do I?'

Authors Note:

I don't know why but this chapter, makes me want to cringe.

Does Alex love Molly?

Will Molly tell him her story, and let him help her?

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