Chapter 10

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Alex P.O.V.

" Well , me and Blade was very close growing up. He was my best friend, and he was alway there for me. I used to get bullied a lot, because I was smart. Yes, I was a nerd. Ok I still am" I joked

" Blade was the one that would save me from being bullied. At night I would cry, because I felt unwanted. Blade would come into my room at night and lay down with me until I fell asleep. Mom, and dad was never around.

Blade was under a lot of stress, and he found a way to make him feel better. He would do drugs, and drink. I tried so hard to get him to stop, but he would never listen to me.

I lost him to the drugs, and the alcohol . Blade was the only person that was there for me. He pulled away from me, because all he wanted was drugs. I continued to get bullied at school. I had to learn to save myself.

People at school would say " You are so worthless, even you brother has to do drugs to get away from you"

The only person that stayed by me was Steve, but I met him after the bullying stopped. He knows everything about me, and now he is my best friend. I blamed myself for not being able to save my brother from the drugs and alcohol.

I have not seen my mother, or father since they left us.

I took a deep breath, and continued my story.

" The reason why people are scared of me is because I fight. I am a underground fighter and my name is shadow. People don't know what I look like as shadow, because I wear a mask. People just think I fight underground, and they stay away from me.

The gym I train in, is my second home. I love fighting, but I know that underground fighting is not right. I know that I need to stop, but I can't. I don't know what to do, that is the only way I make money.

I was forced into fighting, because my brother was using the money that out parents left us for drugs. My brother chose drugs,and alcohol over me. I finally gave up trying to get my old brother back.

I finished my story, I look up at Mol. I was getting scared that she would run away. She looked at back at me with pity, but she shook her head to getting rid of the pity. She knew that I didn't want pity. She pulled me too her, and held me.

" Why would I look at you differently?" She asked

" I fight, for money. I have enemies because of it" I replied

" I don't care, you didn't judge me. So I won't judge you " She said seriously

" Really" I didn't believe her.

" Yeah. I'm not going to leave you. Not now you know to much" she laughed

I laugh with her. Seeing her happy, when she was with me made my heart beating a little to fast.

" Do you want stay with me It's getting late?" I asked

" Sure, if thats ok with you" she blushed

" Yeah, you can barrow some of my old clothes. I will wash yours" I said

" Ok" she got up and walked to the bathroom to start the shower.

I grabbed a old shirt, and a pair of boxers that I can't fit anymore. I opened the door a little so I can hand her the clothes.

" Here, you go. sorry, if they are too big for you" I said trying not to think that the girl that I fell in love with is staying the night.

" It's ok" She yelled over the shower.

I took off my clothes, so only my boxers were left. Hey, sleeping with clothes is not comfortable at all. I crawled into bed waiting for her to get out of the shower. I was getting nervous, I was not going to force her into a relationship. She is just beginning to trust me, and I don't want to screw it up.

She is the only girl, that made me feel alive. I never thought I could love after what my brother did to me. I didn't let him take away the trust, and love I was going to give to the girl I love. I just hope that maybe one day she will trust me enough to let me have a chance.

I heard the shower turn off, as she walked out wearing my clothes. She was so hot wearing them. She blushed, as she walked over to me.

"Where do I sleep" She asked

" Next to me, come on" I waved her into my bed.

She cheeks got even redder as as walked over to the other side, and climbed into the bed. I pulled her over to me, and held onto her. She fit into me, like a missing puzzle piece. I smiled as I smelt my shampoo on her " You smell good" I whispered. I felt mini Alex start to wake-up, but I just ignored him, and snugged closer to her. 

" I....Ah ...I used your shampoo" she stuttered

I chuckled at her " It smell really good on you Mol" I said truthfully.

" T...Thanks I guess" she mumbled into my chest trying to hide the blush.

I held onto her tighter,chuckling at her behavior. After a few minutes she fell asleep.

'she wasn't going to leave me'

' I don't want to let her go'

' I hope she can trust me, I really need her to trust me'

" Hey, Mol are you asleep" I whispered all I got was littles snores. I chuckled and kissed her head.

'she must trust me enough to not doing anything'

' So maybe she is learning to trust little by little'

" I figured something out Mol, and it scares me" I whispered into her hair.

" I fell in love with a girl that is scared to trust and to love, and I don't what to do"

" She makes me truly smile, every time she is around I can't help but to smile"

" She is sweet, and when she never gives up. She is a warrior that will never surrender for anything"

" I love her, but I don't know if she will ever love me back" I whispered falling into a dreamless sleep. 

Authors Note: 

This story is going to be part of a trilogy I am writing. The next books are going to be about Steve, and Blade. 

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, and continue to read it. 

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