Chapter 11

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Molly P.O.V.

 I didn't say anything, when he asked if I was asleep. I pretended to sleep, as he began to tell me that he was in love with a girl that was scared.

'who was he talking about'

' A girl that was scared to love, and to trust'

' Was he talking about me'

'No, he can't be talking about me. I'm not a warrior'

' I'm weak, and nobody wants me'

' He can't love me , or can he'

It took all my body control to keep my breathing even as he countuied to talk.

" I love her, but I don't know if she will ever love me" He whispered into my hair.

My heart was beating very fast, as he said the last sentence. I could hear the snores from him, let out a breath that I didn't know I have holding.

' Was he the one, mom told me about'

' I feel like I could trust him with anything'

'But, I am scared to trust'

'I trusted my father, and look what happened'

' I can't trust at least not anymore'

I finally fell alseep trying to not to let myself fall for this boy that was holding me.

I woke up, and look up at Alex he was still sleeping. He looked so innocent when he slept. I tried not to smile at his smile, but my body didn't listen to my brain.

As if he could feel my eyes on him, he opened his eyes. His eyes held something so foreign in them.

" Time to go to school Alex" I said getting up or aleast trying to.

I got pulled back down into the bed " I don't want too Mol, I want to sleep" he said pulling me closer to him.

"Nope, get up" I said trying to pulling him up with me.

"Fine fine, I will get up" He mummbled crawling out of bed.

I smile at him, because he was pouting.

'He has the most cutest pout'

"Who has the most cutest pout? he smirked

I blushed " Not you" I tried to hide but it was no use. He already seen my blush, and now he is not going to let it go.

He shakes his head at me, I quickly grab my clothes and run to the bathroom. I could hear his chuckles as I ran away.

I threw on some clohtes, and walk out of the bathroom. I heard noices from the kitchen, so I walked to the kitchen to see who is was. Alex was cooking breakfast, so I sat down at the tabel.

" I'm almost done" He callls out to me

I nodded knowing that he was looking at me.

'Why am I so comfortable around him?'

'Do I trust'

' He always make me want laugh when he is around'

' Why am I not afraid of him?'

Alex comes and puts the food in front of me, as I am still lost in my thoughts.

Alex slaped his fingers in font of my face, to get my attention. I jumped at the noice, and I shake my head I look up at him. He smirked at me " Where you thinking of me Mol ?" He asked

" You wish Alex" I mummbled drigging into my food.

I moan as I ate his food, and looked up in shock at him. He just smirked and began eating his food. We ate our food in comfortable silence, and I got lost in my thoughts.

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