Chapter 9

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Alex P.O.V.

When she was telling her story to me, she wasing to cry. After she finished she looked at me and I pulled her closer. She cried into me, and all I wanted to do is kill her father for hurting her.

" It's ok Mol. I'm not going to let that happen again I promise" I told her being honest

I was going to stop her dad from hurting her. That is when I realized that I do love her, and I am going to protect her from him. I rubbed her back to calm her down, she ended up falling asleep on me. I layed her down, as I was going to get up she grabed my hand.

" Stay with me please" she looked up at me with pleading eyes.

" Ok" I said as I climbed into my bed pulling her close to me.

I looked down at her as she snuggled into my chest. I smiled at her, and kissed her head. Now, it was my turn to tell my story. That is going to be hard, because I don't want her to look at me different.

I really didn't want her to know about me fighting for money. I could tell that it took everything she had to finish that story. Since, she told me everything I have to tell her everything. I just hope that she will stay with me, and not be scared.

I fell in a dreamless sleep. This is the first time I have fell asleep, and not have a nightmare.

I woke up to see that Mol was still sleeping on my chest. I chuckled at her, because her hair was everwhere. I pushed back her hair, but soon I was playing with it. Her blonde hair was so soft, after a few minutes she began to wake up .

She looked up at me with her hazel eyes she looked confused, but then she seemed to remember. I smile at her, becuase I didn't want her to be sad. That seemed to cheer her up a bit. She began to get up, but I pulled her back.

" Nope, you are not getting up. I am having comfortable where I am right now" I told her smirking.

She nods, and her cheeks begin to get red. I chuckled again, and wraped my arms around her.

" What do you want to do today" I asked

" I don't know. What do you want to do" she said into my chest.

Her breath on my chest was driving me crazy. I loved that she trusted me, and nobody else. ' Maybe I will ask her to the movies'

" Lets go to the movies, and out to eat" I told her trying to cover up that I was nervious.

" It's seems that you are trying to ask me on a date" She joked smiling at me.

I tried to hold back a blush that was coming up. She laughed and nodded.

" We can go" she said smiling

" ok, what movie do you want to see" I asked

" Transformers the new one" she said trying to hold back that she was excitied.

"ok we will see transformers" I laughed at her childish behavior.

We got up, and I draged her out of the house. She looked at me confused about why I was draging her out of my house. I laugh at her face, and she began to pout.

' Damn, I really want to kiss her'

" I am going to take you out" I told her

" Where" she asked

"Its a surpise" replied

We got into my bike, and she grab onto me. I drove us to one of my favorite dinners. I smiled at her, as we got off the bike. We walked into the diner and got a seat.

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