Chapter 3

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Alex P.O.V.

"No, you are not just another nerd Molly" I said firmly looking into her beautiful hazel eyes. I was trying not to get lost in them, but I had to move before I end up kissing her.

I tore my graze away and finally got up, and I held out my hand to her. She was hesitant " Come on, I'm not going to bite " I joked. She finally took my hand and I felt like my hand was on fire when she held it. I still held her hand, as I looked over my shoulder stood Steve looking at me with a smirk.

' Fuck me' I mummbled under my breath as I let go of her hand.

I looked back to Molly looking at her hand weirdly. I smilied at her, because she felt it too.

I leaned down to her ear " I have to go, but if you need someone i'm there Molly. Don't forget that " I wispered smiling .

I walked away heading to Steve as he was looking at me with a smirk that I wanted to wipe off his face. I draged him by the arm to the lunch room, and he look at me with a serious face.

" You like her don't you Alex and don't lie to me?" He asked daring me to disagree.

"Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie" I mummbled as a reply

" The truth Alex, I have see the way you look at her and how you always try to find her" He said smiling at me.

"Yeah, i do but you if tell someone I will find you and I will kill you " I said seriously.

" Seriously Alex, a Taken reference" He laughed at me and I joined in as we grabed our food.

The bell rang, and we got rid of our food. I started walking to the chemistry lab, when someone pulled me over and started kissing me. I pushed Amy away, she was aways trying to get with me. She was the biggest slut of the school, and I was the only guy that everybody was to scared to date. I only liked one girl, and I was going to get her to trust me.

I looked to Amy and sighed " Its not going to happen, so get lost Amy" I told her

" Why, I know you want me. Everybody wants me" she replied as she tried kissing me again. I pushed her out of my way and went to chemistry. This class I had with the girl that I have like since freshman year Molly Martin. I pushed the door open and immediately started looking from Molly. I spotted her with her head down at her desk.

I walk over to her, and sat down at the desk next to hers. She was getting shy, and was not looking at me.

" What are we doing?" I asked Molly

"A... A lab and we get to pick our partners" She replied stuttered

"You" was all I said as I faced the first of the class.

"Me, what?" She asked getting scared

"You are my partner" I said seriously

"Why would I be partners with you" she asked furious

' When the hell did she get a backbone'I thought as I just shrugged and turned back to class. 

Authors Note:

I hope that you enjoy reading it, so far. 

Sorry, for all the short chapters but it will be worth it in the end. 

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