Chapter 5

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Alex P.O.V.

" You don't have too, if you don't want too?" I rushed out to quickly.

' Fuck, why am I nervious'

Because you like her dumbass'

' Fuck off' I battled with myself.

"o..ok" She finally said with a faint blush on her cheecks.

" Oh.. Wait what" I was shocked that she agreed.

" I said I will sit with you at lunch, but please don't let me regert this" She mummbled under her breath, but I heard her.

" You won't Molly" I told her smiling.

She nods and walks out of class, and I walk out after her. I see Steve looking, at me smirking again. I groun walking over too him "What are you doing Steve?" I asked

" Waiting for you, but I seen you talking to that girl again" I sighed and shugged.

" I'm going home, see you later"

" You going to the gym " He asked.

"Yeah" I said walking away.

I walk over to my baby, I smile and get on my favorite motorcyle. I drive home to grab my gym bag for tonights fight. I am a underground fighter named Shadow, but nobody knows what Shadow looks like. I always wear a mask, when I fight not even my manager knows what I look like. The only person that knows that I fight is Steve, and thats because nothing can really get pasted him.

After, I grabed my bag I drove to the gym its was about two hours before my fight. I don't know who I am fighting I never really pay attention to it, because I never lose a fight. I walk in the gym, and go to my punching bag I put my mask on. I pulled my hoodie over my head, so people didn't see me.

Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left

I was getting in a pattern, when I see Mark my manager walking over to me. I slow down my punches down, so I can hear him talk.

" You ready for your fight tonight Shadow" He asked

"As ready, as I will ever be" I replied.

That was the end of our conversion, and I trained intil 15 minutes before my fight. I walk over the ring, I put my gloves on and walked over to my corner. I made sure my mask would not fall off, then I took my hoodie off. The bell rang rang, and the fight began.

" You not going to talk, scared you going to lose'' He said as both walked around the ring.

" Do you know who you are talking to boy" I smirk as fear showed in his eyes.

I waited for him to throw himself at me, then I moved away smoothly. He shocked for a moment, so I took my chance and I kicked him. I straddled his body throwing punch after punch, He stoped moving, but then he started caughing up blood, I could tell I broke a few ribs, his jaw, and his nose. I decided to put him out of him misery, and I punched him again to knock him out. I got up, and I walked over to Mark to get my money.

I made $1,000 for that fight, I smiled grabbing my bag, and heading home. 

Authors Note :

Did you think that Alex would be a underground fighter? SURPRISE :) 

I'm going to work on the fight sense and try to make them better. 

vote, Rate, and be awesome. 

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