Chapter 12

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A picture of Alex :)

Molly P.O.V.

After the party, Alex and me went to go see a movie to see Ant-Man. I look over to Alex to see that he was already looking at me. I felt a warm feeling take over my body as I try to hide it by moving my body away from him. I look back up at Alex, and saw him smile at me. I smiled back to the movie screen as the movie began.

"Did you like the movie that much" Alex said laughing at me.

I was going on and on about how I wanted a giant pet Ant. I turned to look at him, with a duh looking face.

" Do you know how cool it would be to have a pet ant? Like you would take it for a walk, and people be like why the fuck does that person have a pet ant, that would be so cool" I blabbered not really understand what was coming out of my mouth.

We walked outside, with me dancing around and around with not a single care in the world. I didn't think about my father, or the thought of him getting me at all the entire time of being with Alex. He just makes every one of my problems disappear.

I suddenly have a bad feeling in my stomach, like something bad was about to happen. I stop dancing around and froze as I looked at Alex. I saw someone that I never wanted to see again...

My Father..

The sound of fighting, and groans were sounding me, when I felt a pinch in my neck. It all happened so fast, as one second I was looking at Alex next second I saw nothing but darkness.  When I finally woke up, there was a bag over my head. I heard a loud groan, that sounded like to be in pain.

"Alex, is that you?" I whispered 

" Are you okay Mol?" Alex whispered back.

"I think my father is back" I whispered as I heard a loud bang. 

"I think our guest have finally woken up" I heard the voice that has been haunting my dreams.

I felt the bag being lifted over my head. I groan at the brightness of room, and as my eyes adjusted to it, I saw I was back in my house.  I look over to see Alex looking around, trying to figure out where we were. He looked back at me, he seemed trying to stay calm, but I could see beyond it. I could see his fear, and his worry for me. I looked back at my father, and decided I am not going to stay quiet, no matter what he did to me. 

" So you thought you could run away from me, and get away with it didn't you" He said calmly getting in my face. I could smell the alcohol, and the drugs on his breathe. 

I  just turned my face away from him, and suddenly felt a burning feeling in my cheek. I tried to bring my hand up, but my hand were tied together with rope. I tried to pull my hands again, but whimpered in pain as the rope seem to get tighter.

' I will not cry, in front of him' I told myself over and over again.

"Don't you touch her" Alex yelled back at my father. 

"Oh. look My daughter has a boyfriend, ain't that wonderful" Father said walking over to Alex.

' Please don't hurt him, please don't'


I whimper at the sound of Alex getting smack. I was forcing myself to hold back my tears, that was being caused by Alex's pain.

" Don't hurt him, he has nothing to do with this Father "  i yelled at him as he was raising his hand to smack Alex again.

" And now she talks" He said smirking as he walked back to me.

I glared at him, I put all my hate, my fear in my glare. He just laughed at me, and grabs something from his pocket of his jeans. I felt something sharp being pushed into my stomach. I throw my head back, screaming in pain. I felt my blood flow out of my stomach, as I barely held back my tears. 

"ASSHOLE, DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO STOP TOUCHING HER" Alex yell struggling to get out of his chair. 

My father just laughed at us, and me being in pain from him constantly cutting me. Cut after Cut until I could not feel my body. 

" You know what maybe, I should have a little fun with your little boyfriend" My father said with his evil smirk.

Next thing I knew, Alex was groaning in pain. I screamed at my father to stop hitting the only person in this world that can love me. 

"What would mom think of this Father, would she like that you beat on your kid?" I screamed with so much anger.

I suddenly flew back in my chair, as my father punched my face. All I felt was the pain, and I slowly saw backness form around me, as I black out. I saw a figure in the darkness, as I look closer I could see a face. I didn't feel scared, but I was curious of who the figure was. As I got closer, I saw it was a boy but I didn't who the boy was.

"Who are you ?" I asked curiously.

He just smiled at me, and said " my name is Justin" .

" Justin" I said still not figuring it out.

He let out a small giggle at me, and run up to me and hugged me.

"Oh.." I looked down at the little boy, and hugged back. 

" Really Justin, leave your sister alone" A new voice came in

I looked up to see my mother laughing at us. 

"Brother?" I mumbled to myself.

"Yes, this is your brother, and I watch him up here. I can tell you right now he is a trouble maker." He giggled and picked up Justin. 

" What am I doing up here, am I dead?" I asked getting scared.

"No, not yet you aren't. Only you can decided if you want to live or you want to stay with me and your brother" She said 

" What about Alex, is he still with my father?" I asked quickly.

"Yes, but someone is one there way to save both of you" She replies.

"How do you know Mom?" I asked as I start to freak out.

" I just know, and now you have to decided to stay or go" She said 

Authors Note: 

*Hides behind my dresser and peaks out* 

Please don't hurt me, it will get better maybe. 

Will molly stay with her mom and brother or go back to Alex?

Will Molly get back in time?

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