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Kylo didn't know if he could do this.

He had spent scarcely five minutes with his Apprentice-to-be and he already could barely tolerate her. She had insulted him, his ways, and his offer, and that infuriated him to a level that he rarely reached.
Nevertheless, he had ignored - to the best of his ability - his exasperation, and left the cell before he could no longer do so. Now as he stormed through the halls of the Finalizer, the Stormtroopers and officials he passed did their best to walk as close to the opposite wall as possible.

He silently made his way to the deck which hosted his living quarters. He partially wished that there was a door that he could slam, but sadly the only two doors in the room slid open and closed electronically.

So instead, he channeled his anger into kicking the small trash can at the foot of the bed, causing it to launch into the air, fly across the room, and smack the wall across from him.
He hadn't expected to like this girl, but he hadn't expected to hate her so early on either. Yet at the same time, he was strangely drawn to her. He couldn't deny that the first time he saw her, he'd admitted to thinking her attractive, with her long brown hair and striking green eyes. But that wasn't why he felt as he did. It might've been a contributing factor, but it was not the sole reason.

He thought perhaps it was the way he was so easily able to sense the darkness in her. That meant that there was much of it, as he had told her in his heated state. It must've been that. For that would explain why he was so compulsively attracted to her.

But he still disliked her. And even though it was his first time having an Apprentice, he was fairly certain that it was not a good start.

It felt good to remove his mask and helmet, and the heavy robes that accompanied his attire. And as he lay on the hard mattress, he couldn't stop his mind from wandering back to the girl.

It stayed there as he emerged into sleep.

And that was the first night Kylo Ren dreamed about Jana.

THE APPRENTICE ➛ Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now