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Kylo could almost have felt sorry for the poor fools present during his tirade. But only almost. Sympathy was not a commodity he wasted his breath or time on.

He stormed away from the unfortunate corner of the Bridge, leaving it a smoldering, fizzling mess of warped metal and wrecked comps, and leaving the witnessing Stormtroopers to shake in their armor. Though wordless, his heated panting remained to be heard through his mask as he returned quickly back to his quarters.

He retracted his saber as he reached his room, shoving it back into his belt. Hurriedly, he pried off his mask, dropping it on the bed and frustratedly raking his fingers through his dark hair.

What was it going to take to get Jana to give in to herself?! She couldn't go on resisting for much longer. Kylo knew of the horrible dreams she had. He heard her screaming every night. He knew that she was constantly being haunted by the Dark Side. That alone should've agonized her enough to surrender.

But still she refused.

And it was starting to...agitate him.
He slammed his fist into the nearest wall, suddenly overwhelmed with hatred, creating a dent. Why would she not give in?

His breathing came in short, angry bursts with which his chest convulsed.

He certainly held animosity for this girl. But at the same time, he could not deny the strange feelings for her. She entranced him, intoxicated him with her beauty and spirit. She made him feel physically stronger with the Force and his powers. He assumed this was because of her own power.
Truth be told, he enjoyed the daily audiences with her. Until she rejected him. It was in those instances that he was reminded of his dislike towards her.

Kylo was interrupted by his lion-like pacing when the door opened. He glared furiously at General Hux, who was accompanied by two Stormtroopers.

"The Supreme Leader wishes to speak with you," he said, a sickening level of smug satisfaction in his tone. "He says it has something to do with the progress - or should I say the lack thereof - being made with the prisoner."

He wasn't smiling, but his chin was tilted up, one eyebrow raised, and his expression seemed to say, 'I told you so'.

Kylo would have loved to take his lightsaber to Hux's face, but he restrained himself, saying, "Very well," in a venomous voice.
Hux nodded, but his haughty facade cracked as he finished before leaving, "Oh, and...the girl wants to see you as soon as possible." Then hastily adding, "But I recommend attending to Leader Snoke first."

Then he was gone.

"I'm sure you do," Kylo muttered to himself, a smirk spreading on his lips. He knew very well what Hux was trying to do. There was a possibility that the girl demanded to see him on the matters he'd been pressing for weeks. The Supreme Leader almost certainly wanted to speak to him about his failure. If Kylo were to 'attend to Leader Snoke' first, he might be given what Hux had wanted for him since he stepped foot aboard the Finalizer. A restraint on his authority, or maybe even total abolishment. But if Kylo discovered in going first to the girl that she had finally accepted, he would be saved from Snoke's judgment.

Oh yes. He was very familiar with Hux's games. And this time, he wasn't going to play them.

Repositioning his mask, regaining his composure, and reinforcing his resolve, he left his own dorm, destination set for Jana's.

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