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    Jana stood above the figure on the forest floor beneath her. The amount of fear on the girl's face was disgusting and comical simultaneously. Jana really couldn't decide whether to kick her or laugh.

    "Please don't!" The girl pled, reaching out a bloody hand as if to touch Jana, to which the latter flinched back in response "Please! Jana please! I'm...I'm your sister!"

    Jana scoffed at the bleeding and battered Rey. "And you think that gives you any special privileges?" She deadpanned, swatting away the second hand that reached for her robes. "Sorry to break it to you sis, but if anything it just decreases the chances you had before. And they were already low, Rey..."

    She bent down so that she looked her sister directly in the eye. She held Rey's chin with her gloved fingers as she continued.

    "...now, I'm afraid they're completely gone."

    Her hand inched back from Rey's face. Tears mixed with the scarlet on Rey's cheeks, creating red streaks through the grime on her face. "Please, Jana!" She begged for the final time. "You don't have to do this! He's turned you into this! But you can still walk away! Come back! Come back to me!"

    Jana merely smirked. "Sorry, Rey. But why would I want to go back to being weaker when I have so much more power on the Dark Side? It just doesn't make any sense to me. And you know what?"

   She held her hand up, and Rey's eyes grew wide as she understood what Jana was about to do.

    "I think things that don't make any sense should be removed as soon as we encounter them. Goodbye, Rey. I enjoyed this little talk."

    Then she thrust her hand slightly forward. Rey's fingers grasped and clawed at her throat as she gasped shrilly for air that wouldn't come. And in a few moments, her eyes rolled back, her body went limp, and the last life in Rey was extinguished.

    Jana licked her lips, then rose to her feet, dusting off her hands. She heard footsteps behind her, and the next second cold hands slid around her waist.

    "Well done, Jana," He whispered against her jaw. "Thank you, Master," she replied casually, still proudly inspecting her work.

   "Now," he continued. "We move on to the next step in your training. Are you ready?"

    Jana grinned, placing her own hands over Kylo's and stepping back against his chest.

    "I'm always ready."

✧ ✦ ✧

    Jana shrieked, her body convulsing and her heart beating wildly as the realms of her nightmare broke. She panted, grasping handfuls of her damp hair as she leaned back against the wall.

   You were dreaming, she repeated to herself. You were only dreaming. You were only dreaming.

    It had felt far too real to be a dream, and Jana still wasn't sure she was out of it. But she wasn't standing in the woods like she'd been in the night-terror, and Rey was nowhere to be seen. It was the only time that Jana was glad for that.

    Apparently Ren's words about the unusual amount of darkness in her had latched onto her thoughts, and all night long Jana had been dreaming about turning on her loved ones. Turning to the Dark Side, and giving into Ren.

Ren. He'd been in every single one of the nightmares, always appearing as the Master, and always proud of her for something. Usually killing. Jana thought she could almost feel his hands on her...

She shook her head, ridding her mind of the thoughts. Or at least trying to. The last dream was most likely going to stay with her for quite some time.
She wasn't positive, but Jana was fairly sure that it was already morning when she woke. She was proved right when the Stormtroopers came to collect her a few minutes later, just like Ren had said they would.

She was once again escorted through the ship, until they came to a hall lined with doors. She was walked to one of them, and the Stormtrooper on her right said, "This is where you'll be staying from now on. Go in."

It wasn't an invitation, it was a command, which was rather funny considered that the Trooper was young. Jana could tell by his voice, hight, and how thin he looked, evening through the clunky white armor.

She held a gaze with him — or rather his helmet — for a moment before entering the room, the door closing behind her.

It was much larger than her cell had been. It was perfectly square, perfectly black, and perfectly simple. A far cry from luxurious, but there was a good sized bed, a chest of drawers and an accompanying bathroom that she discovered upon investigation. There was just enough in it to serve its purpose and still make her feel like a prisoner.

When she opened the dresser, she found stacks of neatly folded black clothes lining the drawers. She looked down at herself, realizing she was still wearing her sandy, sweaty, and dirty garb from Jakku. She thought that a shower and a change of clothes sounded particularly enticing, and went to the bathroom where she washed off in the small shower. She then dressed in a black no-sleeve jumper, buckled the matching belt around her waist, then put on the black moccasin-like shoes that were in the bottom drawer of the chest. Her hair was quickly brushed and gathered in a high pony-tail, and with that she returned to the bedroom.
And there was someone waiting for her there.

She stopped short at first, but then proceeded, remembering that Kylo Ren was not going to kill her. Hurt her, possibly. But not kill. She was apparently too valuable for that.

"What's your name?" Ren asked bluntly. Jana raised an eyebrow as she sat on the edge of the bed, which put her directly across from the black phantom.

"You want to know my name?" She questioned.

"Would you rather me address you as 'it'?"

"...my name's Jana."

"Good. Now that we've got that out of the way," Ren said, unfolding his arms from his chest. Then he did something that surprised Jana.

He reached up to his helmet, slowly unfastened it, then removed it. Jana was taken aback by what she saw underneath the mask.

His face was pale, angular and well-defined. He had piercing eyes, and jet black hair that was on the long side and wavy. He returned Jana's incredulous stare with a scrutinizing one of his own.

    In one word, he was flawless. Jana could've bit herself for thinking so, but she couldn't help it. She hadn't encountered very many good-looking males on Jakku. Most weren't even human. But even with her limited knowledge on looks, Jana knew that this man was attractive.

    She stopped herself from staring too long, and redirected her eyes to his as she placed her arms behind her and leaned back on her hands. "So what now?" She asked. "Since I've refused to join your side, what are you going to do with me?"

   Ren tucked his mask under his arm as he replied, "Convince you to change your mind."

    A scoff escaped Jana's lips.

    "And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

    Ren's lips turned up in a grin that made Jana's boldness waver.

    "I think you'll soon find that I can be very persuasive, Jana."

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