Going shopping

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Lottie's POV

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I grumbled down the phone at my impatient best friends Jessie and Lorna. Today we are going shopping to buy outfits for the One Direction concert tonight. We have been waiting for this concert for about 6 months now and we are all really excited. Lorna came barging in my room at 10 o'clock in the morning telling me that we were leaving in two minutes. Now they were shouting at me for being late. I changed into a beige sleeveless shirt with skinny black jeans. I wore leopard print high heeled ankle boots. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

I rushed downstairs shouting goodbye to mum on the way past. I didnt bother searching for something to eat because Lorna has probably eaten everything seen as it is our shopping day and I can get something to eat at the centre. I hopped into Jessie's car where they were talking excitingly about the concert but they stopped an turned round to face me, "Finally!"

"Well you know I hate getting up early!" I whined.

They just rolled their eyes and Jessie started the car and drove along the road. Jessie was wearing a white three quarter length top with a pink scarf and grey cardigan. She was wearing jeans and pink slip on shoes.

And Lorna was wearing a little blue dress with a metal blue and pink flower bracelet and beige wedges.

"I'm hungry!" Lorna moaned.

"Well we can get food once we get to the shopping centre!" I told her knowing she probably already had a massive breakfast with everything she could find in the cupboards especially chocolate she has a chocolate addiction.

We stepped into the centre and before I even had a chance to look around. "Omg there's Harry Styles Omg!" whisper shouted a voice in my ear. I turned round a Jessie had the biggest smile on her face.

Lorna and I looked around and sure enough there was Harry Styles but of course standing right next to him was Taylor clinging onto his arm very possessively. She smirked at me.

Jessie and Lorna don't know about Taylor and I being sisters and I hoped to keep it that way so I just ignored her and turned around about to head into a shop when I heard. "Oh look who it is!" someone sneered behind me and I spun round and standing there was the only person that i didn't want to see.

My Sister, Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now