Chap.50 part 2

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here's part 2!! Hope you like it and I will be on time this week I promise!! Best comment gets a dedication as always!

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lottie's POV

"Why don't we split up into pairs and do different holes so we don't crowd over the same one?" Liam suggested. 

"Ok why don't we split up in our pairs?" Lorna suggested.

"Yeah so Lorna and Niall, Jessie and I, Eleanor and Louis, Shannon and Olly, Harry and Taylor, Zayn and... " Liam got cut off by Perrie running in.

"Perrie what the hell you doing here?" I exclaimed.

"I decided to surprise you all by not telling you we are touring in the same city but when I went to your hotel they told me you came here so," Perrie explained.

"Ok let me carry on Zayn and Perrie and who do we have left?" Liam said. Charles and I were the only people left without a partner.

"No way in hell am I going with him," we both said exactly the same time.

"Hey! did you just call me a him?" I asked Charles threateningly.

"Yes I did you might as well be a man with the moustache and all," Charles said causally.

"I do not have a moustache Mr I am so rich I don't care who I insult!" I retorted.

"Well have a nice time," they said and left quickly.

"I don't even see why I came if I can't snog Taylor," Charles complained.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" I asked.

"You're Taylor's ugly bitch ass sister," Charles said looking me up and down giving me a disgusted look.

"Does she talk about me much while doing it?" I asked. He was getting annoyed now.

"She let's her anger out as she rides me," he said.

"You know I could tell this to just about anyone?" I asked.

"If you do and I'm pretty sure taylor told you we'd bring a knife to your throat and I must say I wont be sympathetic when it comes to you," he explained.

"Are you going to play or just stand there talking?" a boy about 18 said.

"Well I don't know about him but I'm not playing!" I said.

"Why think I would beat you such a shame to think that you got beat by me?" Charles jeered.

"Alright them!" I said and put my golf ball on the floor and hit it. I went in the hole.

"I got a hole in one beat that you posh prick!" I yelled. Charles hit the ball and got a hole in one. He looked at me with a triumphant look.

We moved onto the next hole. I could see Eleanor and Louis at a near hole.

About 5 holes later and I was winning.

"Haha I am winning," I yelled in his face.

"get off," he said pushing me away.

"Your such a bad loser," I jeered.

"Shut your fat mouth you are giving me a killing hheadache," he moaned.

"You don't have a headache you just want me to stop talking," I said.

"Oh wow you found out my plan I am in so much trouble," Charles said sarcastically. 

"You know you're really annoying," I commented.

"So are you and your stupid little friends apart from that blonde one whats her name I would like to get in to bed with her," Charles said.

"Well too bad she's with Niall," I said knowing he was refering to Lorna when he said 'that blonde one'

"So? she's so hot unlike you now introduce me to her," he ordered.

"No, you are going nowhere near my friend," I said.

"Well if you won't introduce me I will do it myself," he said.

"Well you'll have to get past me first," I said.

"Yeah I woldn't mind gettingb you into bed lets go now," he said and started dragging me by my arm towards the gate, "Let's do it in the car,"

"No!" I yelled and did the first thing that came to my head. I hit him over the head with the golf club. He fell to the ground and looked like he was unconcious.

"Excuse me Miss I am afraid you'll have to leave," a guy said with a name tag of Brian.

"Good I am having  terrible day anyway," I say stomping off towards the gates not caring about Charles.

I sat on the bench not wanting to ruin the other peoples day and it was kind of relaxing not thinkng about anyhting just sitting on the bench staring at the blue sky.

About an hour later everyone showed up

"I hope you weren't waiting long," Eleanor said.

"just an hour," I replied.

"WHAT?!?!? you fnished your game that quick?" Louis asked.

"Nope I only did a few holes before knocking Charles out with my golf club and got kicked out," I explained.

"That explains the paramedics rushing around," Jessie said.

"You knocked Charles out?" Louis asked sounding shocked.

"Yip," I said and climbed into the car.

"You know Taylor's going to kill you?" Niall asked.

"When is she not trying?" I joked.

"Well we had fun," they all said as the car started driving.

"where is Taylor?" I asked.

"She's waiting at the gate for Charles proably texting the guy to come pick them up," Zayn explained.

"I can't wait to get home," I say feeling exhausted.

"me too," Harry said giving me a wink where no one could see.

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