The Magazine

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This a chapter for the magazine passage about the picture of Shannon on top of the naked man. Hope you like it :) Best comment gets a dedication

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This picture shows Olly Murs's new girlfriend Shannon Blackie cheating? Have Sholly split?? We are all asking questions and we need to know what happened! The person, who wishes to be anonymous, who provided us with this gossip filled picture also gave us some background information on the two's relation. Read on to find out about some of Shannon's past and secrets that were meant to be kept secret and find out what Shannon's really like.

"Jason was one of her and I's friends at school," - so an old school friend thats interesting.

"He was one of the many boys she just chucked behind her at school, she left a lot of broken hearts no caring one bit and Olly seems to be caught up in all her plans of getting as many people as she can in bed," - well this is definitely interesting is Shannon what you think she's like? Is she really a fame whore? That's what this picture seems to show. It's obvious Shannon is cheating on Olly unless the couple broke up but seeing as this other picture shows them laughing and walking hand in hand the day before this picture was given in shows that Shannon in fact was caught cheating on her short term boyfriend the one and only Olly Murs.

"Shannon was always the type to cheat I'm pretty sure she had like 3 boyfriends at once once and they all thought she loved them deeply,"

"Shannon always said if she got the chance she was going to date a celebrity no matter who just so she can get her name known,"

"Jason is practically the male version of her he would have known that she was in a relationship but still get her in bed and not feel even a bit of guilt,"

We interviewed this girl:

"So first of all how did you get a picture like this?"

"Well I saw Jason one of the people in my old school walking into a house along with Shannon I knew something was on and I thought I should get a picture maybe to warn Olly about her through this magazine,"

"That was very good of you! You said Shannon was always getting boys to sleep with her is that right?"

"yeah I mean I saw her snogging a new boy almost every day. She was definitely one of the popular bitches from the movies that every guy wants even the nerds, she was exactly like one of them girls popular, stuck up, uncaring and a whore. She made people feel like they were special before their time in bed then she would just throw them away like yesterday's trash!"

"Well this is definitely not the Shannon we have grown to know the past month or so,"

"Shannon can make anyone have a false impression of her that is probably her biggest talent, she was always hopeless at her studies but she managed to get through by help of all the boys who felt honoured to be doing her homework for her while she was out fucking someone else,"

"Well I think everyone got a false impression of this new Shannon that is now coming out! How did she get into university?"

"Well her dad thought she was the most perfect child she was definitely spoiled as a child her dad is the owner of the university and obviously let her in even with her low marks. The whole thing was unfair really,"

"Well anything else we should know about Shannon?"

"She finds it fun sleeping with boys then dumping them as I overheard her friends daring her to sleep with this boy who kept to himself  and was quite a nerd no friends and all. Anyway yeah she went over and started flirting with this poor boy and the boy fell for it believeing her story about how she loved him and has for many years but she's afraid to say it because she has a image to maintain and the boy went and slept with her and she was his first as I heard her bragging about it to her friends the next day and they were all laughing about it,"

"So when does Jason fix into all this mix?"

"Well he moved to the school and all the girls wanted him and were fighting for his attention. Shannon started wearing more revealing outfits to school to catch his attention and then he caught it and they went home together that night and the night after that and they'd often skip class together and were basically friends with benifits well they weren't friends I'm pretty sure he couldn't stand her but she was always ready for him to use when he needed her. They were always touching or she was sitting on his lap or something. They were always doing something and she managed to get her friends hooked up with some of the other guys of Jason's crew."

"Wow Jason sounds like a real dick and her a bitch,"

"That's why they go so well together,"

"I think that's all we got time for today thank you for giving this information for our magazine!"

We can now sum up Shannon in two words fame whore!

That's all I will be reporting again hopefully with more information about the whole situation!


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