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This is dedicated to @Daniii4893 for her really nice comment!

Do any of you guys think I am doing a bit too much POV's and I should just stick with Lottie and Harry? Please give feedback even bad because I will change whatever you don't like I promise. First comment gets a dedication and another random comment as i don't pick favourites can be a character in my story. Thanks everyone that reads!

Lottie's POV

I woke up and streched, we were all still lying on the couch where we fell asleep. Apart from Lorna who was across all of us and her toes is stuck up my nose and her head is in Eleanor's face. I pulled her feet away from my face and god they stink but not as much as when she farts!  I got up slowly forgetting that Jessie's head was in my lap and heard a bump and an ow! as she fell on the floor and woke up.

"Thanks for the wake up call!" Jessie said sarcastically.

"Your welcome!" I said skipping off to grab some of Eleanor's clothes and find a shower. I am sure she won't mind if I borrow some!

I got out my shower fully dressed with my hair blown dry with Eleanor's hair dryer. I heard voices and peaked round the corner. Thankfully it was only Zayn and Louis and not Harry or Taylor as I would then have to hide.

I came through to the living room, "hey!" I yelled In Louis's face.

"hey gurl!" he screamed back.

"Vas happenin!" Zayn screamed from where he was sitting on the couch with Perrie.

"So I was about to tell you who Lottie likes before we were very rudely interrupted, Lottie likes......" Lorna said from the floor. She didn't get to finish her sentence as I jumped over the couch and put my hand over her mouth like a karate chopping Ninja! She bit my hand.

"Ow!!! That hurt Lorna you bit my hand!!!" I yelled fake crying rolling around on the floor.

"There, there!" Jessie soothed rubbing my back, "Clam down,"

"But i don't wanna calm down!" I yelled pretending to be a hysterical baby.

"If you don't shut up I'll tell them!" Lorna yelled over my screaming. I immediantly stopped.

"Good now I am starving who wants to come to Ihop with me!!" Lorna screamed already out the door.

"I'll go!" Jessie sighed as she was always looking after us like a mum.

"me too! me too!" Louis and I yelled at the same time!

"Speaking twins!!" Louis and I yelled at the same time and ran out the door, Louis grabbing Eleanor and a disguise.

"Come on Ellie!" he squealed.

"I'm coming Lou!" she said laughing running after him. I ran with them and saw Perrie and Zayn with  a disguise on running behind us. Jessie and Lorna were in front of us going through the door of the shop.

"Come on!" I yell tugging them all into ihop and go to where Lorna and Jessie are sitting.

We order our food and soon all of ours come apart from Lorna who was sitting there holding her stomach whining about food. I just started eating and waving my bacon or other food in front of her face until her food came and she practically wolfed it all down before the waiter could put it on the table. The waiter was a bit startled and walked off quickly probably scared that Lorna woud go and eat all the food in the kitchen or something as if she would do that! Actually if I think about it that is exactly something Lorna would do for food! That girl would do anything for food! She might love it a little too much!

"Right I am paying!" Zayn announced.

"No i will I ate the food as well! You don't have to pay!" All of us girls whined.

"Nope!" Zayn refused.

"I am going to pay!" us girls damanded.

"Nope, Louis take the out while I pay!" Zayn said and Loui sgrabbed us all and ran outside screaming.

"Lets all go outside!"

"let's go to the park!" lorna screamed.

"Later and we'll invite Liam and....." Jessie said but got interupted by Lorna.

"And Niall, and Niall!"  Jessie smirked, "And I am the only one with a crush?"

Lorna blushed bright red and everyone laughed until Zayn came out and looked at us weirdly as we were all crouching over clutching our stomachs laughing so hard apart from Lorna who was bright red.

We were walking when suddenly we saw Taylor and Harry turning the corner coming towards us and in a space of 0.001 seconds Lorna, Jessie, Shannon and me all jumped into the nearest bush.

"ahhh my hair!" I groaned.

"Shhh!" Lorna whispered.

"Sorrry!" i whispered.

"Shh!" they all shushed me.

"I was just saying..."

"shut up!"


"Shut the fuck up!" Jessie put her hand over my mouth.

"Hey Guys," We heard Harry say.

"hey," we hear them all chorus back.

"Do you want to come over to mine and Louis's house for a movie night with Me and taylor?" harry asks. Why is he even asking louis it's Louis's house not his or taylor's! That basterd!

"Yeah sure, we're not busy," Zayn answered for all of them. What about us? they just going to leave us here!

"Ok you coming?" Harry asks.

"Yeah," Everyone answers.

"Wait I dropped my purse in the bush!" Louis yells. I mentally face palmed and glanced at the other girls and they were rolling their eyes.

"You don't have a purse," Harry says confused.

"I mean I dropped Eleanor's purse!" Louis says, good save tommo, good save.

"Eleanor has her purse in her hand," harrys says still lookign extremely confused.

"I mean Perrie's!" Louis yells.

"She has her's as well!" Harry says.

"Well my phone then!" Louis says exasperated.

"Ok well we will go and you can catch up!" Harry says walking away with everyone else apart from Eleanor.

"Well that took you a while!" I say laughing as we all roll out the bush.

"That wasn't funny!" Louis fake puted and Eleanor kissed it.

"Well Bye!" I say and me, Shannon, Jessie and Lorna all walk in the opposite direction.

"Bye!" Louis and Eleanor yell.

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