The unknown is named

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I hope you like it and HAPPY EASTER!!! for all of you that celebrate it :) Best comment gets a dedication as always! Hope you like it!!

Love you all and thanks for the reads

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown's POV

Taylor and I decided to go out at 5 so we could have an early breakfast and talk so that no one bothers us. The door opened and I just glanced up and did a double take when seeing Charlotte, Harry, Shannon and a stupid blonde entering.

"Taylor," I hissed nudging her then motioning with my eyes to turn around.

"Oh hey Harry. I missed you," Taylor said in her fake sweet voice going up and kissing Harry on the lips making sure Charlotte was watching out of the corner of her eye. Taylor then came over to me hooking her hand in my elbow and yanking me up on my feet.

"And this is my frien-" Taylor started before getting interupted by Shannon.

"FERN!? OF COURSE IT WOULD BE YOU WORKING WITH HER!!" Shannon thundered walking towards me and jabbing her finger into my chest.

"Who's Fern?" Charlotte asked in confusion.

"Remember that sister I told you about?" Shannon asked with such disgust that blonde bimbo looked shocked.

"The one and only," I said smirking putting my arm around Taylor's shoulders.

"Well you never mentioned she was quite as ugly as that," Charlotte said looking me up and down with disgust. Taylor went back to kissing Harry and I saw Charlotte glancing at the two of them. Ha serve her right the boyfriend stealing whore.

"So wait this ugly bitch is your sister? I would have never realised I mean she's so ugly and you so pretty," the blonde bitch stuttered.

"That's not what the boys think," I say smirking at blondie's reaction.

"Let's go," Lorna said taking Shannon and Charlotte before glancing at Harry deciding he must be busy and stormed out the cafe. I decided to call one of my tools as Taylor seemed busy and I need something to do.

Lottie's POV

I couldn't help keeping glancing at Harry and Lorna noticed as she decided it was time for us to go and said, "Let's go," and marched us out the restaurant.

"Let's go somewhere else for breakfast I am starving," Lorna exclaimed and as if on cue her stomach made a loud noise and we decided to go to another place.

"And we can phone Sidney and Dani," Lorna exclaimed.

"Do you think they hate me?" Shannon asked quietly.

"No I chatted with them last night," I told them as we sat down at a table and ordered.

We used Shannon's phone and called Dani first. The first thing we heard was,

"Have you heard this bullshit they are coming out with them stupid peasants!"

"Wow calm down there Dani," Shannon laughed.

"hey Dani!" Lorna squealed.

"Hi Dani," I said into the phone.

"Hey guys where's Jessie, Eleanor and Perrie?" Dani asked.

"Ahh well you see they kinda don't believe Shannon," I mumbled.

"what??" she yelled, "I will skin those bitches alive! any boys believe you?"

"Harry that's it," I told her.

"Well I bet Lottie gave him a reason to believe her maybe a bit of persuasion," Dani said and Lorna winked at me which thankfully went unoticed by Shannon. I feel bad for not letting her know but the more people who know the more chance Taylor and that Fern bitch will find out. 

After we called Sidney and she basically said the same things as Dani and she was going to kick Niall's ass for not believing Shannon when she next talks to him.

Lorna's POV

Later that day I went to see Niall and I walked into his room.

"Where have you been all morning I haven't seen you all day," Niall pouted.

"I have been with Lottie and Shannon," I told him laying down on the bed next to him.

"Why?" Niall asked sitting up.

"Because I don't believe Shannon would do such a thing," I retorted.

"Well you seemed to have a completely different mind about it last night," Niall said now getting up.

"Well after thinking things through more carefully I realised what an idiot I had been," I said.

"So you're calling everyone who doesn't believe Shannon's petty lies is stupid? Olly's been so upset!" Niall shouted.

"I am and Olly should let her explain instead of being an asshole!" I yelled back.

"I think we are over Lorna I can't be with you if you're going to be so inconsiderate!" Niall yelled.

"If thats what you want fine! Thanks for the short relationship!" I sneered stomping out of the room.

Fern's POV

I came down from their window and called Taylor.

"2 couples down. 4 to go!" I said and heard Taylor give a 'ok' before hanging up. i knew I probably interupted her time with Harry so I left them and went to Charles for some fun.

Niall's POV

What have I done?

Olly's POV

How could I have gotten mixed up with Shannon! Usually I know people like that but obviously I made a mistake this time.

Lorna's POV

Wow I bet that was the shortest relationship I have ever had. Well thanks a lot Niall!! I can't believe he would break up with me because of who I hang out with!!!

Lottie's POV

I walked into my hotel suite with Shannon when seeing Harry and Taylor naked on the couch we decided to go back out without them noticing. I nearly burst into tears but managed to keep myself together and didn't talk much as I knew I would probably start crying I thought he promised he had stopped that with her!

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