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Harry's POV

Lottie came out her room looking stunning as always. Somehow I am thinking this is a bad idea I mean I am going behind my girlfriends back and calling her sister stunning! If that's not a reason for Taylor to break up with me what is? No Taylor and I love each other we are going to grow old together!

"Come on, I am just going to go back on the couch if you carry on staring!" Lottie warned.

"Ok, coming don't get your knickers in a twist!" I exclaimed walking out the hotel room with her following behind. We got in the lift and the doors were about to shut when Lottie jumped out pulling me with her.

"What now?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Disguises!" she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

How could I have forgotten the paparazzi and fans. Sure I like hanging out with fans but I really don't want them to see me with Lottie as I don't think she's been properly introduced to any of the fans yet. We walked back into our room grabbing two wigs, fake moustaches and hats an left again putting them on.

We got back in the lift when Lottie shouted, "Stop!" and jumped through the nearly closing doors.

"What now?" I asked exasperated.

"Nothing it was just so fun the last time I wanted to do it again!" Lottie explained coming back in the lift and letting the doors shut.

We got out the lift and made our way outside the hotel with everyone looking at us weirdly and that's when I realised Lottie ha on a long blonde wig and a pitch black moustache. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. This was going funner than I thought!

I got a taxi and told him to go to the nearest IHOP. We got out and had a fight about who was going to pay in the end I won and she stalked off in a huff. I ran after her trying to catch up with her as she walked into IHOP and the waiter got her a table.

"Just leave me out there why don't you?" I said sarcastically.

"Whatever!" she said studying the menu.

I took it off her, "You're not mad at me are you?" I asked.

"Styles give that back!" she yelled trying to grab the menu. I held it higher.

"Styles? Calling each other by last names are we Swift?" I smirked.

"My last name is Jones not Swift!" she said fiercely.

"Sorry jones!" I apologised.

"Oh look food!" she pointed and I turned around when I saw no food and turned back around the next thing I knew was that sugar or salt I am not quite sure was being thrust into my face.

"Oi!" I said grabbing the other tub of salt or sugar and chucking it back. We got kicked out before our food even came!

"Want to go get some ice cream?" I asked as we passed this cute little ice cream shop.

"Sure I'm starving!" Lottie yelled running into the shop and I went in after her. There was a little old lady sitting behind the counter when we went up to it.

"What would you like dears?" she asked.

"Emm... A chocolate Oreo one please!" Lottie answered

"I will have a toffee one thanks!" I said.

"Ok coming right up!" the old lady said.

"Thank you!" I said taking the ice creams and sitting down at the table.

"Now don't get us kicked out of here as well!" I joked playfully.

"Haha!" she said dryly. We finished our ice creams and I went up to pay after a fight at our table about who was going to pay.

"here you go," I said handing over the ten pound note, "Keep the change!"

"Thank you and I must say you two are incredibly cute together!" the old lady said.

"We aren't a couple!" I explained awkwardly.

"No just friends!" Lottie confirmed.

"For now!" I heard the lady mutter. I decided to just pass it.

"bye!" we both called and exited the ice cream shop.

"How did she think we were a couple I mean you and me would just be weird I mean you're dating my sister the person I don't like most in this world!" Lottie explained obviously disgusted picturing us together.

We got to the hotel and went in te lift and got out on our floor we opened our door and standing there was Eleanor and Shannon looking around the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lottie said pretending to sound angry.

My Sister, Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now